Chapter 7

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Eda was at work at the counter with Camila.  Eda was distracted, and looking sad. Camila wasn't sure what could of happened since she didn't stick around long.  "Eda.. You okay?" Camilla asked. "Yep.. " eda mumbled. "You sure? You look down" Camila pointed out. "Mhm.. " eda muttered. Camila smirked, and got an idea. "Soo.. I'm not EXACTLY sure what you did.. But if I'm not mistaken.. You and Raine.. Had a very sinful night" Camila teased. Eda blushed immediately, and looked further down. "N-no! We did not!.. We.. Just uh.." Eda muttered out. "Mhm.. And you were moaning their name, soo what was going non?" Camila asked with a teasing smirk.  "Umm.. Math" eda said, trying to just change the subject. "Sure.. Suree.. Add the bed..subtract the clothes.. You gonna. Multiply?" Camila teased. Eda blushed harder, and playfully punched Camila in the arm. "You suck!" Eda said Inna laugh. "Your one to talk" Camila said back. Eda covered her mouth as she laughed. "Your so awful.. I'm going to pound-" eda didn't really think before she spoke, so Camila said. "Raine sure pounded you, could you walk?" She asked. Eda blushed harder, and covered her Face. "I'm going to literally choke you can, shut up!" Eda said. "Did.. Raine choke you? Did you choke on it?" Camila asked. "... Yes actually.. " eda mumbled. "What was that?" Camila asked leaning over to eda. "Nothing, nothing.. At all" eda lied.  "Uh huh, you two must be on amazing terms" Camila said. Eda's mood changed again.  "We.. Arnt really um.. On speaking terms" eda said. "What? What happened?" Camila asked. "What happened is, your friend is a little homewrecker" Stephenie said walking up to them. "Shes not a homewrecker! You two arnt even married or living together" Camila said. "Regardless, shes not even a side chick, because Raine came home to be and said I was the only one they loved" Stephenie said with pride. Eda sighed and didn't respond.

Camila looked at eda, then back at Stephenie. "Leave her alone! If your not going to buy anything you can just go!" Camila yelled. "It's not my fault your friend is a attention seeking whore" Stephenie scoffed. Eda was on the verge of tears, and took her hair down.  "Who hurt you" Camila asked glaring. Then the manager of the store. Terra came out. "Whats going on here?" She asked. "M-mother! Hi!" Stephenie said immediately fixing her attitude. ".. That explains so much" Camila mumbled. "Ugh.. Melanie.. Why are you here?" Terra asked. "It's.. Stephenie.." Stephenie mumbled. "Oh yeah.. Why would I choose such a horried name.. " Terra mumbled. "Dad.. Named me" Stephenie said, looking down. "Well he didn't help raise you, so.. Just go" Terra said, then looked at eda. "Ugh.. Lift your head, you look depressed" she said in a rude tone, and left.   Stephenie glared at eda then left.  

When eda got home, she was greeted by Luna as always. "Person!! Oh man I missed you! Where the fuck you go all day!?" Luna asked. Eda chuckled at Luna profanity, and kneeled down to pick her up. "Okay, now it's been FOREVER since iv had some milk, so to the kitchen!" Luna demanded. Eda went to the kitchen, and gave Luna milk as requested.   "Here ya go loonie"  eda said with a smile. And Luna drank away. 
Eda took a minute to think, then decided to take a walk.  " come on loonie, were going out" eda said. "Wooo!! Yeah! Outside!!" Luna beamed. 

Eda had on a crop top, so she just threw a jacket over it.  As they left the house, Luna walked closely beside eda.   They walked for a while, then saw Stephenie going Into an allyway with a random dude.  Eda found it suspicious. Eda scooped up Luna up, and followed them.  Eda looked around the corner, but could hear everything. 

"I'm telling you, this is her, just throw her over a bridge or something, and il Glady give you your reward" Stephenie said. "Damn shawty, you really hate her, dont you" the man asked. "Absolutely, so il give you her address once I find out from my useless partner"  the two shook hands, eda was about to leave, untill some random person bumped into eda, and she fell.  The man and Stephenie looked at her in shock, then a smirk on Stephenies face appeared. "Better yet, there she is" Stephenie said, edas eyes widened, and she kept Luna behind her.  "Well well, not gonna lie, she is pretty so I see why your partner wanted her" the guy said. Stephenie hit him in the arm. Eda kept a straight face, and tried not to show fear although it was hard not to.   Eda stood up, and was going to get ready to run, then she was grabbed by her shirt and pinned to a wall, letting out a small grunt when she hit it. "Tell ya what princess, me and you have a little fun, and I might let you go" he said with a foul smirk. Eda gave an unimpressed look. "Id rather you kill me" she said, and ment it to.

The man then forced eda to the ground and started choking her. Eda tries her best to pry his hands off her. Eda struggled as she felt herself about to fall unconscious, so she used one last desperate attempt. "Auhh~ harderr.. " she moaned. The guy let go, and looked disgusted. Eda took her chance to kick him in the balls, mind you she's  wearing boots.    The man fell, and eda gasped, as she stood up.   Stephenie immediately rushed  eda, so she took a knee to her stomach. Stephenie fell back, eda then waited for Stephenie to stand up, and pinned her to a wall. "Take it back" eda demanded. Stephenie smirked. "Take what back" she asked, being stupid on purpose. "Raine.. Isn't useless, and your going to respect them!" Eda yelled.  Then felt a sharp pain in her stomach, eda jolted back, then saw Stephenie had sit her. A long cut to, and it was deep. Eda's hand  was covered in blood, and she dropped to the ground.  "You know.. We could have been friends, if you had just backed off the day you introduced me to Raine, eda" Stephenie said.    "Okay.. I get it.. I shouldn't have let them screw me.. But that's no excuse.. To take my life.. Just for love" eda got up, as she started bleeding out. "Love? Absolutely not, I don't give a damn about raine.. Honestly I dated them just to mess with you, It was so painfully obvious you loved them when you introduced me to them. Then that little picnic, I just couldn't stand another minute with them. Honestly.. You need better taste. I'm  it mad because they decided to fuck you, I'm mad because you've been a Thorne iny side since I met you. I told you this wasn't over" Stephenie said, eda listened in horror. Stephenie kneeled down, and gave eda another deep cut, now resembling an X. Stephenie picked up the man, and helped him walk away. 

Luna jumped out of eda's hoodie, and looked at the scene. "Person..? Please get up... We gotta go home" Luna said, as she pleaded with eda.  Eda passed out due to blood loss, so Luna did the only thing she could. 

Luna ran off to find someone who knew eda. But she only knew her way home.  Luna ran home quickly, and Lilith and Darius just so happened to be going that way. Luna jumped around them. "Hey isn't that eda's cat?" Darius asked. "Yes.. Why isn't she with edalyn" Lilith asked. Lilith went to grab her, so Luna took off.

Lilith and Darius chased after her, while Luna was running back to eda. 
"This cat is fast!" Darius said, as they tried to catch Luna. "Edalyn is going to kill me if we don't get her back home!" Lilith said. "Now that we established who's taking the blame for this, I'mma dip when we catch her" Darius said. "Darius you gay bastard!"  Lilith yelled. Luna turned into the ally way, while Lilith and Darius followed. When they saw eda, it was a horrifying sight.



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