Beware of young girls part 1

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"I think I know what my problem is I'm way to nice"chanels voice is hard as the main kappa foyer room as been rearranged for a little funeral for chanel number 2 as people set in chairs in rows."as soon as chanel number 2's parents learned their dead daughters body was found, they went on a cruise"chanel was shown slowly walking down the Ile in black heels ,black dress with feathers on top as she held a white rose with a blank look on her face as she wore sunglasses and a black flower hat as she walks forward "that's how much they hated this dead bitch so when it fell to me to host a open casket furenal and fulfill her wish of being cremated and shot into space I was like 'yeah okay' so stupid"her voice is heard.

A pink casket was shown with an opened lid as chanel number two was in a light lavender fur top and skirt with her heels as her hands folded on her chest with a pair of sunglasses on as chanel drops a white rose on her leaning over a little "this is what happens to sneaky backstabbers"she says with a kiss before walking to the podium.

Next was number 3 as she wore black fur earmuffs with jewelry as she wore as black fur top with sparkly black dress as she sets a whit rose inside 'just so you know I took all your clothes 'she says in her mind before moving on.

Next was number five with her hair done as she wore a black and red laced dress with a small sliver tiara in her hair with diamond earrings.'to bad you had to die before we found out what ethnicity you are' she says in her mind before setting a white rose on the casket before moving on.

Next was chase as he wore a black suit with a pink bow tie as he sets a white rose in the casket.'god speed chanel #2 God I loved porking you so much 'he says in his mind before moving on.

Soon the real service started as everyone was now sitting. Dani sat with Grace and zayday with light make up ,black dress with crossed straps and black heels.

"Dearly beloved we're gathered here today because a backstabbing little bitch got what was coming to her."chanel starts off with her sunglasses off"chanel #2 literally never had my back whenever I wanted to strut across campus or down a long hallway with the other chanels she'd always be like 'i have a colonic!' "She says mimicking chanel number 2.

"So instead of strutting across campus in a beautiful diamond formation we were forced to strut across campus in a triad formation like hoboes because number 2 didn't think she should walk behind me but whenever I'd find myself descending a staircase in heels, you can bet number two was behind me with a helpful little nudge."she says with a glare.


Chanel was shown walking down the grand staircase in her closet with a black and white fur hat with a white dress as number two was behind her with a purple puffy skirt and purple tub top with kappas initials as she holds her pink fur coat in one hand over her shoulder before she pushes chanel down the stairs as she screams.

Number two puts on a innocent face"oops sorry chanel"she says.

                                  *Flashback ends*

"This dumb dead whore also used her high pony wiles to seduce my man into rubbing uglies with her. So I hope you grasp that this is what happens when you rub uglies with my man. You end up dead! So have fun being dead number two you were a stupid little trollop and I hope your burning in hell. Amen"chanel says as she faces back to the crowd before turning back to the men behind her"amen!"she whispered to them as they rush over and shut the top of the casket.

"Now I'd like to invite you all out to the driveway to the mobile crematorium for some refreshments, courtesy of our friends at spaceburial today "she says grabbing the paper she read off before walking down the ile with the two mem pushing the casket.

"Well that was some funeral"Dani says awkwardly before she , grace and zayday share a look before they soon all get up and leave since the service was over.

So some other things happened today the chanels decided to connect with number 2 from the dead, Gigi making dinner to her spending the day with grace who was helping her with getting some new clothes.

Dani was in her room as she was writing in her journal before her phone rang as she reached over answering it as she placed the phone against her ear"hey grace what's up"she said.

"We're having a sit down with some girl name heather who might have some insight on dean mounch can you meet us in the main foyer"grace asked over the phone.

"Sure I'll be down there in a minute "Dani says with a smile before hanging up as she closed her journal before getting up from her little desk as she leaves the room closing the door.

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