Familial Rivalry

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(y/n) was on a walk when he saw Ruby leaning on a wall.

Ruby: c'mon you piece of shit. Why won't you work?

He looked closer and saw Ruby trying to light a cigarette.

(y/n): Ruby?

Ruby: (y/n)! Perfect timing, come 'ere I need your sword for something.

(y/n): for what?

Ruby: this lighter doesn't want to work and I wanted to use your sword to light it.

(y/n): since when did you pick up smoking?

Ruby: the last few weeks. This tournament has been really stressful for me and I need something to keep me calm.

(y/n): you need to stop. That stuff can kill you.

Ruby: fuck off with that smoking kill shit.

(y/n): I thought you hated swearing?

Ruby: I know. It's just that I've been really sick recently.

(y/n): sick with what?

Ruby: everyone's shit! I'm tired of this tournament, I'm tired of my team. I'm even tired of you and Pyrrha!

(y/n): why are you tired of us?

Ruby: your relationship is so annoyingly perfect. I hate it. It makes me realize I'll never be in a happy relationship.

(y/n): okay femcel.

Ruby: I'm not a femcel! Now let me use your sword.

(y/n): fine but I'll only do this once.

He grabbed it and stabbed it in the ground and began to rev the sword. Ruby used the flame to light the cigarette. She took a small puff from it and blew the smoke.

Ruby: thank you.

(y/n): hey that's a nice trenchcoat. Looks a lot like one of Dante's old coats.

Ruby: Tai sent it to me.

(y/n): I thought you called him dad?

Ruby: shut your mouth.

(y/n): admit it. You like the fact that Dante is your dad.

Ruby: shut up!

(y/n): make me!

She grabbed her scythe and (y/n) readied his sword.

(y/n): ready?

She grabbed her cigarette and snuffed it out.

Ruby: let's go bitch!

They charged at each other but were quickly stopped by Ozpin.

Ozpin: what's going on?

(y/n): Ruby's being a femcel.

Ruby: I'm not a femcel!

(y/n): what was the last band you listened to?

Ruby: Radiohead.

(y/n): I rest my case femcel.

Ruby: fuck you.

(y/n): fuck you.

Ruby: fuck you!

She charged at (y/n) again and the two clashed weapons.

Ozpin: enough! What even is a femcel?

(y/n): it's Ruby.

Ruby: shut up!

Ozpin: enough the both of you! Stop fighting before you get others around you hurt.

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