
606 17 1

9:56 AM
happy kids!

saph daph:
move in day 😯😯😯

stop i'm so excited
but packing was a fucking nightmare

i'll meet you guys there to help out

lover boy<3:
thank you

i can't wait it's gonna be so fun

me and luna are helping out too, we'll come with mione

its gonna be just like hogwarts but without learning

okay let's all meet there in an hour?


i'm so sad that i can't be there
me and padma are moving today too wtf

saph daph:
i know

it's okay we will hang again once everything's settled

won won:

i just woke up.

not surprised lol
you got an hour


teddy you'll be fine
ok see u guys soon


We all met at the manor, our stuff filling the front room of the manor.

"Jesus." I muttered.

"We better get started now." Hermione said.

Me and Draco used magic to carry our things to the room. Our room was on the top floor, with a bathroom connected to it. We started to unpack everything, which was really exhausting. We started in the closet, unpacking all of our clothes first.

"And I thought I had a lot of clothes." I laughed at the absurd amount of Draco's clothes.

"You do!" He retaliated.

"Not as much as you. Who needs this many suits. They're the exact same." I pointed at his collection of plain black suits.

He ignored me and went back to organizing the closet. Thankfully it didn't take too long, since we mostly used magic.

"I'm taking a break." I said, falling back on our bed after we finished organizing the bathroom.

Draco followed soon after, the bed shifting with his weight.

"I'm so happy." He smiled at me.

"Why?" I pulled him closer to me.

"Because now I don't have to worry about not seeing you every day. I'll wake up next to you, every single day." He placed a single kiss on my lips.

"You're the sappiest person I know." I whispered.

"And you're the only one who'll ever know." He kissed me again.

"You're gonna distract me from unpacking." I said against his lips.


"Draco." I whined after I pulled back.

"Five minutes?" He asked.

I nodded quickly, kissing him first this time.

It was definitely more than five minutes.


We sat in the living room after finishing unpacking for the most part. Narcissa came to see how everything was going.

"Thank you for letting us move in here." I smiled at her, bringing her in for a hug.

"Of course." She said back.

"I owe you so much." I pulled back.

"No, you make my boy so happy, that's more than enough." She placed her hands on my face.

Draco pulled me into his side, we smiled at her.

"Bye, 'Cissy!" We all yelled after her when she left.

"Okay, let's order some food?" Daphne asked, "My treat."

"You don't have to, Daph." Luna softly smiled at her.

"No, it's okay, I want to."

"That's really sweet. What does everyone want?" I asked.

We agreed upon Chinese takeout, and turned on The Office in the background.

"We're all grown up." I sighed.

"To me we're still those little kids sitting on Hogwarts Express." Pansy smiled, she was laying with Theo.

"No, seriously." Draco nodded.

"I'm gonna miss it, but I'll live vicariously through Luna and Ginny." I laughed. "I love you guys so much, it's sick. I'm so thankful we get to have this opportunity"

"Me too." Theo nodded.

"Me too." Draco whispered, and kissed me.

"Hey!" Theo exclaimed, throwing a pillow at us.

Draco caught it, and kissed me again. I giggled against his lips.

"Theodore, shut it." Draco turned to him after.

"Yeah, Theodore." I laughed.

"You guys are mean." He muttered as the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it!" Luna hopped up, and skipped to the front door.

"You're cool." I whispered to Draco once we started eating.

"Only cool?" He asked, I laughed and shoved his shoulder in response.

"Okay fine. You're very good looking." I whispered back.

He kissed me quickly.

"And a very good kisser." I added quietly, turning away.

"What was that?" He smirked at me, knowing exactly what I had said.

"Nothing." I shrugged.

"You said I was a very good kisser, didn't you?" He teased.

"You suck." I laughed.

He kissed me again.

felt like we needed swoony content in here so here's a not completely texting chapter 💌💌

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