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Mystic Falls; 1861

ATHENA SALVATORE HAD ALWAYS BEEN ONE TO FOLLOW ORDERS, to follow rules, to respect those above her. She knew her place in society. Did she wish to be able to be herself and have her own voice? Yes. But she knew it would not happen anytime in the near future. No matter how much her brothers try to get her to stand up to their father. "Stef, where did you put my hairbrush?" She calls out with a sigh as she could have sworn she searched every inch of their house already.

Stefan was younger than her by two years and was currently fourteen years old. He definitely took after Athena a lot, mostly because she and Damon both had practically been his sole parental figures for the past few years. "I don't know." She heard him respond which makes her groan as she rolls her eyes a little bit. Athena turns in her place, seeing Stefan standing behind her.

"You don't know?" Athena retorts, raising an eyebrow at the boy. Stefan just shrugs his shoulders, crossing his arms against his chest.

"Ask Damon." Stefan tells her before turning and heading down the hall. Athena just bites the inside of her cheek as she shakes her head.

"Right, cause Damon will know." She mutters to herself as she heads out of the bathroom. "Damon!" She calls out, looking around the hallway. Damon peeks his head out of his bedroom with a confused expression on his face. "Where's my hairbrush?" Athena asks, just wanting to find it but neither of her brothers were being much help.

"How should I know?" He questions as he glances towards Stefan who was only chuckling to himself. Athena places both her hands on her hips, narrowing her eyes.

"You two are useless, you know that?" She tells them, a frustrated sigh leaving her lips. Athena could see Damon and Stefan both hiding their smiles and she didn't know why.

"Is this what you're looking for?" Athena hears from behind her, seeing the hairbrush being held beside her. She Let's out a gasp, grabbing it from the person's hand.

"Yes, thank you." She replies, turning in order to properly speak to whoever it was. But her heart stops, a huge smile forming on her face when she sees Cameron. "Oh, my god." Athena practically jumps into his arms, not wasting a single second. "I thought you weren't back until next month." She says as she holds onto him tightly.

Cameron Daniels had been her boyfriend for the past two years. They had known each other since they were kids and have been practically inseparable. Athena had fallen in love with him almost instantly, of course being teased by her older brother because of it. But she trusted Cameron with her life and ultimately would do anything for him.

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