Chp 2: Plan of Attack

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Bold is Latin (Angie and Peter’s “secret” language)
Italics is Sokovian
Bold Italics is Russian
Takes place at the beginning of Ultron.

          I led Steve, Nat, and Clint behind me through the snowy woods. Peter was with a sitter, and we were on a mission with the other Avengers. I had escaped Hydra right after a brainwash session. I was slowly regaining all memories, and recently remembered about the twins, Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. I knew I had to save them. Wanda meant something to me, but I couldn’t remember what or why.
          “There it is,” I said, pointing to the large stone building. The last Hydra base.
          “They’re being the west tower. I’ll contact Wanda through her mind and tell her not to move.” We pushed slowly through the brush while I used my powers to tell Wanda we were here and what to do.
          “Tony, I need you with me to distract the guards while I get the twins.”
          “Got it,” Tony said, flying over to me. I used my telekinesis to propel myself through the air, and we broke through the window into the tower. People immediately started shooting at us, and I hid behind Tony and his suit as to not get shot.
          “Guys. We gotta talk about this.” Tony used hidden blasters in his suit to shoot all the guards. “It was a good talk.”
         “No it wasn’t,” one of the soldiers groaned. I ran to the cell where the twins were being kept.
        “Hello Wanda. Pietro. We are here to help. I’ve brought my friends and my brother, the Avengers. We have been going base to base destroying Hydra. This is the last one,” I explained. “Please, come with me.” Tony shot the lock on the cell, and flew away to fins Loki’s scepter as the twins warily stepped out.
        “I’m not so sure about this. That is Tony Stark. Pietro, remember that missile?” Wanda said nervously in Sokovian.
        “Wanda, I assure you. We are just here to help you. He hasn’t produced a single weapon since 2009. The one used on your home was old, which was why it didn’t go off. Most likely stolen or bought from black market. Tony is a good man,” I said in Sokovian. Wanda was confused. She had spoken Sokovian in an act to conceal her words. Why would I know Sokovian? Truth is, I know every language. Something Hydra did to me. Kinda sucks but also helpful sometimes.
        “Come on guys, let’s go!” I yelled. They ran after me through the maze of building. Strucker, the leader of the base and experiments, found us as we were running.
       “Go guys, go to the woods!” I screamed. “Strucker. They’re leaving. Nothing you can do. You are done ruining innocent people’s lives.”
“Am I, though?” Strucker smiled. He began to speak in Romanian. “Trust, Fourteen, Seven, Building, Rake, Train, Longing.” I screamed. Similar to Bucky, I have a set of “trigger words”. My mind was no longer mine. I was gone. The Witch took over.
“Witch, kill them all!” Strucker yelled. The Witch started to run. I made her stop. I screamed again. I was fighting the Witch, fighting for control of my on mind. “Destroy her Witch!” I kept fighting the control. And then I won. But Strucker couldn’t know, he would kill me or say the words again. I pretended the Witch won.
“She was weak. Easy to defeat. Mission?” I said.
“Kill them!” Strucker spat in my face. I took off running towards the woods.

“Okay, we have to go. Now!” I yelled at everyone when I reached the woods. “He thinks I’m under his control as the Witch, as soon as he figures out I’m not, I’m so dead! Let’s go!” Tony had already recovered Loki’s scepter, which is a main reason we came, along with rescuing the twins. We loaded into the quinjet and took off.

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