Chp 11: Discussion

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Bold is Latin (Angie and Peter's "secret" language)
Italics is Sokovian
Bold Italics is Russian

I stormed into the main office of Midtown High, Wanda right behind me.
"I'd like to speak with the principal," I said, my jaw set and teeth gritted.
"About what?" the sassy secretary asked, putting down her nail file.
"My son."
"What about him? He bein' 'bullied'? We've got the bullying issues under control, ma'am and you can't burst into the principal's office because of a bully."
"No. He is being deadnamed and misgendered constantly. He is being forced to use the girls bathroom when he's a guy!" I yelled, trying to contain my anger and failing. Wanda squeezed my forearm. I took a deep breath.
"Alright then, go head in," the nasty secretary answered, as she went back to smacking her gum and filing her nails. I walked into the office, and saw the principal. I took in his entire person, looking from his bald head to his scuffed shoes, preparing any roasts I would want to say.
"Hello, ma'am. Ma'am. How can I help you?" he said, nodding at me and Wanda in turn.
"My son is Peter Parker-Rogers. My brother in law came over here the other day to explain how Peter was beat up in an alley. He suffered a concussion, broken ribs and a broken arm. Now, he is being called by his deadname by the very people that beat him up and some teachers. Also, I would like to address the homophobia you demonstrated towards my brother in la-"
"Ms. Rogers, what are you talking about? Peter is one of my favorite students I have ever had, and I'm so sad to hear that he has been assaulted! And I can assure you, I've never met your brother in law, though I've heard he is a nice man. By the way, could you tell your brother and him that I say congratulations on the wedding? I never got to. I've met them in the park a couple times on my walks."
"Then who did Bucky talk to?" I asked, confused as all get out. Wanda has her eyebrows furrowed.
"Oh my lanta. When did he come in to speak with me?"
"Friday," Wanda answered.
"Oh Lordy. That was my substitute. I wasn't here, my grandma died. I had to return to Georgia for her funeral. I will make sure he never steps foot in this school again, I assure you Ms. Rogers. His lack of acceptance will not be tolerated by me."
"Wow, um, I'm not sure what to say Principal...Brown," I said, reading his nameplate.
"How about you tell me who beat up your lovely son. I will take care of them personally," he responded with a smile.
"Flash Thompson, and Jamie and Jacob Oliver," Wanda answered for me. I was still dumbfounded by this man's kindness.
"Oh, those boys! Always the problem, never the solution. I will see to it that they are dealt with. And you are?" Mr. Brown asked Wanda.
"I'm Wanda Maximoff," she said with a smile.
"Well, Ms. Rogers, Ms. Maximoff, I hope you have a lovely rest of your day and you can rest easier knowing that Peter will be called Peter, those boys will be dealt with, and I accept all people for who they truly are." Mr. Brown smiled, and we returned the favor.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2023 ⏰

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