Chp 8: Bucky's Back

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Bold is Latin (Angie and Peter's "secret" language)
Italics is Sokovian
Bold Italics is Russian

          After about an hour and a half, Bucky was back.
          "I don't want Peter going to that school. They're homophobic and transphobic as fuck, and I don't think he should have to deal with that shit."
          "Language, please," Steve said quietly. "Come over here and tell us what happened." Steve waved Bucky over to sit down next to him on the couch. I was curled up with Wanda on the loveseat, perpendicular to the boys. She was stroking my hair, and occasionally whispered to me in Sokovian. I was thankful to have someone like her as a partner. Bucky started his story.
          "Well, I got there and asked the secretary if I could meet with the principal to discuss my nephew being bullied. She sent me into the principal's office. He asked my name, so I told him it was James Rogers. He then asked me why I was there, so I said that I was there to talk about these guys Flash, Jacob, and Jamie beating up my nephew, Peter. He asked for Peter's full name, to which I responded with Peter Parker-Rogers. He looked him up in the system or whatever, and said that he didn't have a Peter Parker-Rogers enrolled in his school, and asked if I was talking about Paige." My face dropped. What the hell?
         "But I enrolled him as Peter, not Paige. Never once has 'Paige' stepped into that school. She pretty much died as soon as he left the orphanage!" I yelled. Bucky nodded in agreement.
          "Exactly. I said that Paige Parker-Rogers didn't exist. I told him that it was Peter's deadname. He said 'no, no, it's her real name'. I said that Peter was his real name, and that he was trans, and not a girl. He just said 'well, I have been informed recently by a staff member that she's not a boy. From now on, she will be called by her real name, Paige, and she will use the girls restroom and and any other girls things.' "
         "Then he asked how I was related to 'Paige'. I said I was Peter's uncle, and his mom's brother in law. He said that was impossible. When I asked why this was impossible, he said 'Angelica Rogers, Paige's mother, doesn't have any sisters, and she isn't married to anyone, so you cannot be her brother in law'. I said that he was correct, she wasn't married and had no sisters, and that I was married to her brother, Steve. He made a disgusted expression and when I asked what was wrong he said 'it was simply unnatural for two men to be married'." Bucky was visibly angry. His jaw was set and his teary eyes glared into the rug. Steve reached over and grabbed his hands and held them in his.
         "Don't take it to heart. He just doesn't understand. He's a small minded person." Steve smiled at Bucky, then turned to me. I was lost in my own thought. My mind was racing, and I couldn't stop it. My hands started to shake. I was beginning to have a panic attack, and realizing that it was happening made it worse. My whole body was shaking. Wanda didn't know what was happening; she had never seen one of my attacks.
         "What's happening? Why is she shaking?" Wanda asked Steve. She was scared.
         "She's having a panic attack." Bucky walked over to me on the couch, and knelt down in front of me. "Hi little sister. What's wrong? You're safe now, remember? Look at me! You are safe with Steve, and Wanda, and me. No one can ever hurt you. I promise." I continued to shake, so Bucky gently held my hands in his. Tears came down my face, slow and steady.
         "I...I'm sorry," I sobbed. Bucky smiled and wiped my tears, cupping my face in his hands.
         "For what, Ange? You've never ever done anything to hurt me."
         "I'm....I'm a burden. I'm sorry Bucky. I'm sorry big brother." I continued to shake and sob. Bucky hugged me, cradling me in his strong arms. I held onto him tight and refused to let go as I cried into his shoulder. He picked me up and sat me in his lap. I felt childish. Like a baby, having to be soothed to contentment. But he also made me feel strong, safe, and happy. I let him hold me until the feelings of overwhelming stress and anxiety passed.
         "Angelica, I think you should sleep a little. It will be good for you, help you think," Bucky said. He pulled me up to stand and let Wanda link elbows with me and lace her fingers with mine. She guided me to the elevator and to my floor.          
          Bucky walked over to Steve and stood in front of him. Steve stood to meet his eyes, which were filling up. Steve pulled his husband into  a hug.
        "She'll be okay. They both will be. I promise, Buck. I swear. She's strong, and that's because of you. You make her strong, like you make me strong. She loves you. I love you." He kissed the top of Bucky's head and pulled him to the couch, where he held Bucky as tight as ever.

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