Chp 3: Back at the Compound

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Bold is Latin (Angie and Peter’s “secret” language)
Italics is Sokovian
Bold Italics is Russian

“Mom! Uncle Steve! You’re back!” Peter hugged Steve, and then ran into my arms. I hugged him tight, and Wanda stared at him and me.
“Hi Peter! How are you! I missed you!” I smiled.
      “Who is that?” Wanda asked, puzzled. Pietro looked the same.
      “Wanda, this is my son. Peter.”
      “How? They...Hydra....they sterilized you.” Wanda was staring at me incredulously.
       “Can we talk about this later? Please? Thanks. I’ll show you guys your floor,” I explained. I turned to Peter. “Go with Nat, okay? Stay out of trouble please!” I called after him as he ran to Nat and laced his hand with hers. I started towards the elevator, beckoning the twins after me. We went from the 3rd floor to the 8th, which is one of the guest floors. It’s now gonna be their permanent floor.
      “Okay, so here you are. Rooms for both of you, and they are set up the same way so I’ll just show you one. Bathroom in there, you both get your own. Closet over there. There’s a dresser and a nightstand by the bed with some drawers. TV across from the bed,” I explained pointing each thing in turn. “Then there’s a fridge out here, because there were fights about eating other people’s food, washer and dryer, and then a table and chairs with another ‘community’ TV. If you need anything, like clothes, food, whatever, tell me and I’ll take Tony’s card and get you stuff. The dressers are already full of clothes and the bathroom of toiletries and hygiene products.”
       Both twins were a little shocked. They weren’t used to this luxury.
       “Thanks...” they both answered. I turned to leave, in order for them to get themselves settled, when Wanda grabbed my wrist.
       “Can Privately? In my room?” she asked, looking slightly urgent.
      “Sure?” She led me to sit on my bed and closed the door. “ have a son? Who’s 15?”
      “Oh right, you wanted to talk about Peter. Yes, Wanda. I have a son. He’s 15, named Peter, and I adopted him last year.”
       “Well, I guess I’m really just wondering why. Why have another person to lose?” Wanda looked at me sadly.
“Wanda, it’s safer here than at Hydra. We are safe, okay? I adopted him to give him a new start. I mean, no one adopts the older kids, and he was trans, but everyone refused to accept that. I was gay in the forties, so were Steve and Bucky, so I know what that’s like to have no one accept you. He was alone, but now he isn’t.” Wanda looked defeated almost.
“That makes sense. It was very kind of you to do so.” She put her hand lovingly on my thigh. I gasped quietly. Thank god it was quiet enough that she didn’t hear me, because she would’ve taken her hand off sooner, although she took it off soon than I would’ve wanted. It gave me a fluttering feeling. Like flying, soaring through the sky. Her touch was graceful, beautiful, and I wanted more. The space between us should be smaller. I blinked and stood up. It must’ve been rather abrupt, but I was lost in my thoughts.
“Well thanks for saying that. I have to go find him now bye!” I said as I rushed out of the room towards the elevator. That was weird. I wanted…Wanda. More of her touch, for her to come closer to me...what the heck?

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