Chapter 29

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Vanessa's pov_______________

Cleo came back and I drank water to get my energy back.

"As I'm sure you're aware, Burned ones have infiltrated the barrier and the school. For some reason, the magical energy walls that power everything at the school have failed. I managed to speak with Queen Luna before they did. She understands the gravity of what's happening here, and the Solarian troops are on their way. We're barricading all entrances to the courtyard. We're safe for now... But we must prepare for the reality that the burned ones may infiltrate the space before they arrive... This is what we've been training for. Be cautious, but be brave. Let magic guide you, and let's show them what it means to be Alfeans. Prepare the barricade" Grandmother's speech left everyone a new boost of confidence. 

I then noticed across the room, it was me. The darker version of me, she was smirking at me. Then she disappeared. 

Bloom's pov_______________

I followed Miss Dowling upstairs.

"I know you're mad"

"An understatement"

"Rosalind isn't the monster you think she is. She had a reason to lie... The settlers of Aster Dell weren't innocent. They were blood witches. And my birth parents weren't even there"

Miss Dowling signed. "She certainly has a way of winning people over, doesn't she?"

"Is your ego so fragile that you can't even consider for a minute that you might be wrong about her?"

"Rosalind gave you just enough information to string you along. She's manipulating you. It's what she does"

"And what the hell have you been doing? you hid information from me, not her"

"Then why isn't she telling me this herself? Why isn't she by our side helping us fight? Where is she?"

"She's still weak... She's not charged up, but she said--"

"Wait. So you were at the stone circle" I nodded my head and she looked down in defeat then back at me. The stone circle is a conduit to the magic of the land. That magic that powers everything at Alfea, like our electricity and the barrier"

"Are you saying that Rosalind is the reason that the barrier was weak enough for the burned ones to get through?" I asked then we heard a distant snarl and growling.

"This is no accident, Bloom. Rosalind always has a plan"

"They're after me, you know"

"Yes... I didn't realize it at first, but I do now... Which means it's my job to protect you"

"But we're gonna fight them, right? Rosalind told me how to--"

"Your actions are the reason the school's in danger Bloom. I'd say you've done enough. But if you'd like to be helpful, join the other fairy fairies and weld these gates shut"

Vanessa's pov______________

Specialists and fairies start to put things against the doors.

"Guys" Aisha pulled Stella and I to the side.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I know Bloom. She won't just sit around and do nothing. Especially if she thinks this is all her fault" 

 "If only her friend hadn't turned on her" Stella said.

"Really? You're still doing this?" Aisha asked.

"What did I miss in the suite?" I asked confused.

"A lot" Stella said to me.

"I feel bad, ok. Is that what you want to hear me say? I figured the fact that I'm coming to you two of all people would tell you I'm sorry. What more do you want?"

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