Chapter 31

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Vanessa's pov_______________

It's now a month into the start of year two for me. A lot has changed since year one. 

The second years sat around the stone circle as Bloom and another student tested their abilities on each other.

"Your emotions are a tool. Nothing more, nothing less. They're a powerful source you've been told to control them" Rosalind said as Bloom hit a ball of fire in her hand. "That isn't always the best option. In combat, you'll need to rely on instinct..."

The other kid kept hitting Bloom, she kept losing focus until she got angry and her eyes turned red as she had fireballs in both of her hands. She took a few steps to him but stopped.

"You need to let go and that's when you'll find true power" Rosalind admired Bloom. 

Bloom then came and stood next to me. 

"Class dismissed" Rosalind said.

Bloom's pov________________

Rosalind and I went back to her office. 

"Middle of the pack has been evaluating students over the past month, and that's where you land"

"Better than the bottom, right? I'm trying my best"

"Bullshit. You transformed last year. Turned the school upside down looking for answers. You're powerful. This is a choice"

"When Dowling was headmistress I was doing really well"

"Loyalty is important. It should be valued. Yours is misplaced... Farah ran, Bloom. I don't know if she was scared of the consequences of locking me under the school or if she simply saw the writing on the wall when Luna reinstated me, but she ran" 

"Dowling wouldn't have run. The Solarian army is looking"

"They called off the search. It was an egregious waste of resources"

"And you don't care?"

"I don't give one single fuck. She and Saul left me a school of weak children, unprepared for the threats was face"

"What threats? No one has seen a burned ones since I took them down"

"And you think that's the most dangerous thing out there? The otherworld isn't like where you grew up. You have no idea of the nightmares that exist here, but I do. And it's my job to prepare you to fight them. A job Farah and Saul were unqualified for. The old regime is gone, Bloom"

"But... Silva is--"

"Saul Silva is being brought to trial at this very moment for his crimes. So, at the risk of repeating myself, the old regime is gone. It's time to embrace the new one"

"Ok" I simply said and left her office and found Aisha.

"Rosalind is gonna get someone killed. Is it just me or has she gotten meaner in the past few weeks?" 

"Might be the haircut"

"Channeling that much magic under stress is dangerous. Most students aren't ready. If it hurts me, it's gonna hurt them more" I said holding an ice pack in my hand.

"Pretty sure Rosalind doesn't care unless she gets results... How long are you gonna hold back?"

"I'm not gonna kill myself for her sake. As far as I'm concerned, she's not the headmistress. Miss. Dowling is... I think we should go on a road trip this weekend, hit town nearby and just see if anyone has seen her"

"Bloom. I want to find Dowling just as much as you do, but the entire Solarian army has been searching for months"

"And? What if they just don't know where to look? What if she's still in hiding somewhere? Look, all I am saying is that, this is temporary. All of it. We're gonna get this school back to the way it was"

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