{Chapter 2}

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Tris P.O.V
I drive to Christina's house after I drop of Four. I can't wait to go to his house on Saturday.

I park in front of Christina's house and go up to her door and knock. "Finally! Let me grab my bag real quick!" She says. "Okay." I say.

Once Chris gets her bag, we get in my car and start driving to the mall. The song "Thinking Out Loud "By. Ed Sheeran came on the radio and I started to sing.

Take me into your loving arms. Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars. Place your hand on my beating heart. Thinking out loud, 'Cause baby, we found love right were we are.

"Aww!!! You and Four are so cute together!!" Chris says. "Thank you! Ohh Chris ,What are you wearing to the party tomorrow?" I say. "I don't know, that's why we are going shopping."
~~~~~~~ Time lapse~~~~~~~~~~~~
After shopping for hours, I get black leggings, a floral tank-top, with a black cardigan and black high heels.

My phone starts rings and its Four.

F-Hey!! I have good new for you!
T-And what is that??
F-You know the house that is for sale next to your house?
F-well... My dad bought the house!! So you mom came over to my house and said if we would like to come over for dinner and we said yes.
T-That's Awesome!!!
T-Well... I will see you later..Okay?

I go drop off Chris at her house and head back to my house and I see Four moving some boxes in his new house and I get in my house quick so he won't see me.

"Bea! Guest are coming so get ready!"Mom said. "Kay." I say. I go upstairs and touch up my makeup. I go downstairs and the bell rings.

I go open the door and there is Four and Marcus. "Hey babe." Four says. "Hey." I say. "Hello Marcus. This is Andrew and I'm Natalie." "Hello I'm Marcus and this is Four." Marcus says.

We talk and eat for hours. I show Four a tour of the house."And this is my room." I say. "Its so organized. Unlike mine." he says. "Son,Get down here!Now!"Marcus says. "Alright."

"I gotta go.I love you." "I love you too."
I snake my arms around his neck and press my lip to his. "Bye." He says.
"Bye" and with that he walk out.

I jump in the shower and change in pj's and text Four.
T-Love you
F-love you too.
I charge my iPhone and go into an dreamless sleep.

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