A fruit bowl for a vampire boyfriend (Aquarius x Cancer)

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Nb aquarius/ M cancer

Pretty, Aquarius thought, watching his tall figure step through their studio's door, so pretty.

"Please help yourself to anything you'd like", they signaled to a small refrigerator next to the kitchen counter, which stood at the corner of the big room. "There's also some fruits", they added, pointing to the fruit bowl on top of a round table, that although its decent size, was still small in comparison to the space surrounding it. At the mention of the fruit bowl, they noticed the smallest glint of excitement in their new work partner's eyes.

"Thank you", he answered, shy gaze directed to the ground. His dark skin glew beautiful under the reflection of the purple evening's light, and Aquarius was grateful they chose an apartment with a big windowed wall as their study.

"So", they continued, not wanting their gaze to linger too long as to make him uncomfortable, "I'll send you the new project's draft in a second, and then maybe we can talk about it. Make yourself at home in your desk meanwhile". They had assigned a space across their own desk for the other.

"Yes... I'll wait for it. Thank you a lot", his voice was deep, yet quiet. His eyes were almond shaped, and a curious tone of soft gray, hidden constantly by his shy gaze.

Aquarius smiled up at him, "Thank you, Cancer. I've said it already, but you're an amazing artist. We'll make this new story a hit". They were speaking the truth- it was almost weird how good of an artist Cancer was, yet how underrated he was. They had to search through hell to find him.

Cancer smiled, always with that passive mannerism, and headed to his new workplace across the room. Months passed by in a pleasant haste.

Heavenly bodies. Bright blue used as much as deep red, human blood and the halo of saints, every small detail in the angel's wings, the subtle expressions needed for demons... It was a heavy story illustration Aquarius had taken on, yet it fascinated them so much they had to finish it, even if it meant partnering up with another.

Cancer was an amazing work partner. Not only was he a polite, kind, and smart person, his art style was clean and graceful, matching their own in a contrast that went so perfectly with the story. As a friend, he was the most considerate person he had the luck to meet- in that big city, about everyone was an asshole, which made Aquarius believe he was a foreign.

There was only one odd thing going on, and it was the constant lack of fruits. Aquarius didn't tend to eat many fruits, so they kept them in the bowl more as a decoration, but recently, no matter how many times they restocked, they seemed to just disappear. So, curious of the fact that nobody could've broken inside the apartment without them knowing, they revised the inside camera footage.

They giggled as they did so. Cute, they thought at the sight of Cancer stuffing their mouth full of strawberries, so cute.

From that moment on, the fruit bowl was always full, varied, and well arranged. Without a fail, it'd be gone in the next two to three business days. Aquarius pretended not to notice the particular blueberry redness in Cancer 's lips, or the small, almost unnoticeable stains whenever he wore white tops.

"Should we go out?", they asked one night after a work-loaded day, stretching their arms.

"Do you want to?", his head parked up from his slouching position in his desk, soft, curly hair dancing along gravity.

"Yeah", Aquarius smiled, a bit smitten, "Dinner's on me".

Cancer blushed, and clumsily sat up, nearly tripping with air, "O-okay , I'll out on my coat".

They liked each other, didn't they?, Aquarius wondered. If the not-so-sneaky glances he sent their way, or the excited glint in his eyes he'd get when they praised him, or the unnecessary closeness when discussing pieces, were signs, then yes, yes they liked each other.

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