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Tw: Graphic death

In the steilhang and down the ground where two men on horseback names James and Keiran walk towards the trail that leads to a small cave — James looks at his partner with a concern look on his face, "Nervous?" He asks him

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In the steilhang and down the ground where two men on horseback names James and Keiran walk towards the trail that leads to a small cave — James looks at his partner with a concern look on his face, "Nervous?" He asks him.Keiran nods as a sweat beads down his face. "Relax. This place has barely any game." He tells him.

As they follow the trail — James stops his horse as the others did the same, they look out at a small crater where a skeleton lay in the middle of the crater while crows peck at the skull. "There he is. Bucephalir The Untamed."

"Did they say how he died?" Keiran asked.

James shrugged; "By a broken heart." He then stirred his horse back into the trail. "Come, let's continue before the storm comes."

The man nods as they continue the ride back to the village.


The storm came sooner than the men expected — They decided to camp in the middle of a small forest. Sometime in the middle of the night, Keiran woke with a hand covering his mouth only for it to James as he pressed a finger to his mouth to shush him.

They heard a gurgle right outside their tent as footsteps approached the campsite as a shadow figure was illuminated on the entrance of the tent before it disappeared completely.

The boys relieve a breath they're holding in, "I'll go check to see if anything's been rummaged through." James said as he stood and walked out while ignoring Keiran's pleas.

Minutes have passed since James had left —Part of Keiran wanted to stay inside while the other went out to look for his friend, Keiran decided to go out to look for him. "James?" He called out. But receiving nothing but the natural sounds of crickets.

As he starts to walk — He feels something under his feet, he looks down to see blood as it smears into the forest. He then saw a dead horse that belonged to James lay on his left side with large claw marks on it's side as blood pooled over under its body and from its mouth.

A low growl caught his attention — He slowly lifts his head to see two crimson red eyes in the dark foliage then it slowly peeks out to see a snout of a jet-black beast as it slowly open its maw as the light of the moon reveal pearly white teeth that drips with crimson blood.

Keiran knew this dragon all too well — He heard stories of the dragon of the night, tormenting people, eating livestock. It even was seen just as somebody was about to die. They gave it a name — A name that nobody would ever speak of.

Shetan. The Black Devil.

The Black Devil let out a bellow roar just as Keiran ran to his horse and gallop — He could hear a flap of wing, it was chasing for him.

He saw the gaping of the forest, finally he was gonna make it but to only feel sharp talons grip his shoulders and lift him out of his horse — He screamed as he looked up at the wyvern who stared down at his crimson red eyes, it growled at him. Before he could process what's happening.

He felt the talons remove his shoulders.

He falls from the sky as he screams bloody murder before falling hard on the sky.


The next day the two men were found dead the next morning — Everybody said it was an animal attack, but the villagers knew that it was the work of Shetan.

They trespassed his lands. The lands that no one would dare enter.

They pray to God to get rid of this creature of the night.

It wasn't until months later that they received the praise from God, or rather The princess of Castille.

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