Chapter IV

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Tw: Blood, animal death.

She rode as fast as her horse could go  — She was now on the run of her own family's kingdom, she wasn't sure where to go but to run until her horse couldn't anymore

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She rode as fast as her horse could go — She was now on the run of her own family's kingdom, she wasn't sure where to go but to run until her horse couldn't anymore. She wasn't sure if her family were alive or not, especially her father. But she must be brave, just like her father had always told her.

Then something fast pounces onto her horse — It neigh as it flung Melani off of its saddle, she tumble and fall into the copse; She whimpers as she clutches her now twisted ankle.

She then gasps at the sight of her now dead horse, her companion for five years is now gone — But what really made her scared was the large creature cloaked in blackness with orange eyes and jagged teeth that seems to crawl on two legs. It was a mixture of a lizard and a bear.

The creature stare at her intently until it charged at her in full speed, Melani tried to run as fast as she could with her twisted ankle — She took cover under under a fallen log; she watches in fear as the creature clawed at the wood that sends bark flying at her while shrieking at her.

Tears streaming down her face while she covers herself from this creature that wants to kill her — Until she saw a blue fire blast the beast who shrieks in pain, Melani lifts herself up to look over at a hole that the creature made to see it hissing at an enemy; It was Shetan! He came to save her!

The creature was inches smaller than Shetan who seemed to have grown bigger than the last time she had seen him — The beast shriek when it jump on Shetan's side and sink its teeth into his neck; But Shetan got the upper hand or claw when he grab its tail and slam it onto the log Melani was in.

The two-legged creature got up to shook its body but for Shetan bite its body and lifts it in the air, the creature slice open the dragon's face — Shetan glare at the small beast with a snarl he then bite down with a sickening crunch, the creature fell limp in his mouth.

He then drops the dead creature onto the fallen log, Melani looks at its grayed out eyes in fear — She screams when her body is lifted in the air until she is placed on the ground; She gasps until her eyes meet Shetan's.

"Shetan! You've saved me." She exclaims while wrapping her arms around his snout. She felt something warm and sticky, she lifted a hand to see it was blood, "You're hurt." She noticed.

The dragon snorts and nods.

"Here let me help you." She slowly lifts her hand up but he snarls at her he then ceased when he hushed him — She place her hand on his snout while closing her eyes while Shetan does the same, suddenly a blue hue forms between the two and glows bright — Shetan snaps his eyes open just when it glows bright white he could feel his wounds healing, his once fiery red eyes are now a icy blue.

The blue glow faded away when they separated — Melani hiss when she felt a hot searing pain on her right side, but when she looks down to see what looks like a black marking on her thigh she lifts her nightgown and gasp; There lay a body art of a dragon the went up close to her side and down close to her knee. "Wow." She whispers.

"Hati was right." A male voice spoke inside her head. "The birth of a dragon was born."

"Who said that?" She asks while looking around the forest.

A chuckle erupted in her head, "I did." She looks up at Shetan who stares at her with his new blue eyes. "S-shetan? Did you speak in my head?"

Shetan grunts, "Seems like it. Yes."

Melani let out a breathy chuckle - She couldn't believe it she was literally talking to a dragon, luckily it was only in her mind so nobody would think she was crazy when she literally talks with her mouth open. "This is-Wow," She let out a sheepish chuckle. "Can all dragons do this? Xerxes couldn't."

Shetan let out a grumble, "I'm..not sure. I haven't met other dragons who can do what I do."

Melani let out an "Oh." She had so many questions that needed to be answered.

Then a loud cracking noise hits the sky like a whip, then clouds rolled in to block the sunlight. "W-what was that?" Melani asks.

"Sky's falls, the clouds cover the sun — Mountains bursts, rain falls. Either the draconics Solis and Nokomis are hibernating or..." He trails off.

"Or what Shetan?" Melanie questions him.

A long pause fills the dense air until Shetan let out a sigh and said "Somebody stole something from Nokomi. Nokomi's wrath is more superior than her sisters — There's a reason some fear the night while the rest find comfort in it."

Then the sound of men yelling mixed with the sounds of the horse's bellow catch the dragon's attention, "I'll return to you." Shetan tells her when he stretches his wings out and takes to the sky.

Before Melani can call out to the dragon — She was surrounded by five men on horseback that surrounded her. "H-hello." She greets with a smile.

They spoke to her in an unknown language — Then she was hit in the head with something hard that made her fall to the ground.

Her vision started to get blurry until it went black.

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