Chapter VIII

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Tw: Minor blood, animal carcass, pervy sexual sh!t ad fluff.

A/N: Gif made by yours truly<3

It was in the middle of the night at DrageHeart, the former Queen Nina went downstairs to the stables where the dragons are chained up — She moves in the shadows to stay hidden from the guards, she meander her way through the caverns until she fou...

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It was in the middle of the night at DrageHeart, the former Queen Nina went downstairs to the stables where the dragons are chained up — She moves in the shadows to stay hidden from the guards, she meander her way through the caverns until she found her Selnir — Her body was wrap in chains like a snake, both of her legs were cuffed and chained up.

"Hey girlie." Nina spoke while placing a basket of meat down, ever since the Hardik's took over. The poor dragons were emaciated and being used as slaves.

Selnir opened her blue eyes and let out a chirp, her rider sat herself down and patted her thigh for her dragon to place her head down. "Are you hungry, love?" She grabs a slice of meat and hands it to the golden dragon — Selnir grabs the meat and swallows it in one bite.

One by one each dragon came towards Nina with desperation and hunger in their eyes, "Don't worry." She assures. Selnir lifted her head up for Nina to get up and walk towards them with a basket in hand, she placed it down and uncovered it to show a nice pile of meat — She watched as each dragon grabbed a piece of meat and scattered back into the darkness.

Nina heard a snort behind her, she turned her head to see Hectir show herself to the princess with a snort — Her neck was covered with a cuff and chains. Nina bent down with something covered in cloth, "Here." She unwrapped the cloth to show a turkey's leg she managed to steal from the scullery.

Hectir sniff the meat and grabs it by the bone and walk back into the darkness — Then she heard commotion and the sound of Xerxes shrieking, she hides in Selnir's den just in time to see four caretakers pulling Xerxes into his cave.

The blood serpent growls as he eats the trough full of fish — The other dragon's grunts and growls at the sight of that since Xerxes was mostly used and favored by Elias so of course he wanted him "Taken care of " when he wasn't used by Elias.

When the caretakers left to take care of their other assignment, when the coast was clear Nina ran towards the dragon — Her shoe landed on a puddle, creating a small splash.

Xerxes snaps his head at the source of the noise, he bares his small but sharp dagger teeth while making a growl mix with low pitch noise. "Shh, Xerxes. It's just me, just Nina." She whispers to the dragon."

Xerxes just stares at her, he closes his mouth as his eyes dilated at the sight of the young queen (Who's overthrown now). He lowered his long neck for Nina to wrap her hands around his snout while purring, "How are you, boy? I haven't seen you for two days now." She spoke.

Xerxes just snorts and let out a puff of smoke.

Nina chuckles, "Yeah I feel the same." She agrees while stroking his face. "Can you do me a favor, bud?" Xerxes focuses his attention on her. "Can you show me how Drace's feeling? What he is feeling right now?" She asked.

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