Better Than Revenge - A Vampire Diaries Fan Fiction

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For over a century, I have lived in secret. Hiding in the shadows, alone in the world. Until now, I’m a vampire and this is my story.

“Damon hurry up.” Stefan shouted.

“Stefan shut up. I am coming.” Damon said

My name is Sky. Sky Salvatore to be exact. Damon is my brother, my twin brother to be exact. I have another brother called Stefan, who is my younger brother. I also have sisters who are called Rose and Lissa. Damon is a couple minutes older than me so he thinks he can control us all. What they don’t know is that I am back. We all left our home town of Mystic Falls when our father killed Damon’s and Stefan’s girlfriend Katherine Pierce. I never kept in touch with them and promised my brothers I would come back one day and ruin their lives. So here I am back to make that promise come true. I have one thing to ask. Don’t tell them or I will kill you. Sky xx.

“Damon bloody hurry up.” Lissa shouted.

“I said I was coming.” Damon said as he appeared next to Lissa.

“Finally.” Rose said then they walked out of the house and got into Damon’s car. Damon drove them to school.

“Oh look. Everyone is staring again.” Lissa said.

“Whatever.” Rose said and got out of the car. “What are you staring at you freaks.” Rose shouted.

“You.” He said.

“Someone who isn’t afraid of us. Nice to meet you I am Rose. Rose Salvatore.” Rose said.

“Seth Lockwood. These are my brothers Tyler and Jake.” Seth said.

“This is my sister Lissa and these are my brothers Damon and Stefan.” Rose said.

“Would you like a tour of the school.” Jake asked.

“Sure.” Lissa said. They followed the Lockwoods tour of the school. The day past by very fast. I was so hungry that I ran into the woods and then it hit me. The smell of blood. Not just any blood but human blood. I ran and followed the smell. I saw a couple up ahead so I took my chance and attacked. I drained their blood then ripped them to pieces so it looked like an animal attack.

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