Elijah and Skyler

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“Are you ok.” I asked.

“I’m better but I still feel well dead.” Elijah said as he finished a blood bag. “Where did you get the dagger.” Elijah asked.

“I will tell you later but I need your word Elijah.” I said.

“Your reason to demand has past wouldn’t you say.” Elijah said.

“No demands just help.” I said.

“Why should I even consider it.” Elijah said.

“Same reason you haven’t killed me yet. You need my help to kill Klaus along with Elena’s.” I said. “And I need you.” My phone started to ring. I picked it up and looked at the caller I.D.

“Where are you. Are you ok.” Stefan said.

“Yes I’m fine.” I said.

“Where’s Elijah.” Damon asked.

“He’s right here.” I replied.

“Hi Uncle Elijah.” Rolissa shouted which made him smile.

“Where, I’m on my way.” Stefan said.

“No Stefan. Elijah and I need some time alone.” I said.

“Listen to me Sky. He can’t be trusted. He will use you and Rose to get to Klaus.” Damon shouted.

“Elijah is a noble man Damon and also one of my closest friends. I can trust him, he knows we would be incredibly stupid to cross him again. He saved my daughter Damon your niece from Klaus. By risking Rolissa’s life to remove that dagger I have let’s say proven myself to him again.” I snapped back to Damon.

“You can’t do this alone Sky.” Damon and Stefan said together.

“It’s my choice but I won’t be doing this alone. I knew you two would make life harder by going against me and putting that dagger in his heart so I made a back up team. They will be helping me which makes you two have no say in this what so ever.” I replied. “You need to respect my wishes even though you didn’t before. Stefan make sure Damon and Tyler don’t do anything stupid. I’ll be in touch.” I said then put the phone down. I handed my phone over to Elijah then looked around us at our beautiful surrounding.

“So you weren’t one of the ones who helped try to kill me.” Elijah said.

“The only reason they put that spell up was to stop me from taking that dagger out the minute it went into your heart.” I said.

“Did she just hang up on you.” Damon said.

“She did.” Stefan replied.

“Mum’s with Uncle Elijah. Yay.” Rolissa shouted.

“She’s lost it.” Damon said.

“If anyone can get Elijah to help kill Klaus it’s Sky.” Stefan said.

“Bonnie is a way to kill Klaus.” Damon replied. “He thinks shes dead we have a chance at killing him.”

“She will kill herself doing it.” Stefan said.

“Which I have already said is not going to happen.” Elena said as she walked into the room. “Sky’s just looking for another way. She doesn’t trust us as much as she trusts Elijah and she is trying to keep me safe.” Elena said.

“Her way is going to get her killed. I am not losing my sister again.” Damon said. “We are going to find her and stop her.” Damon said as he stood up.

“No we need to back off. I don’t like this anymore than you do but we need to try and see what Sky is up to. Just let her do her thing you know the best that her thing usually always works. We have to respect her wishes.” Stefan said.

“Might be your plan but mine’s better.” Damon said.

“He’s here.” I said.

“Klaus is here.” Elijah said shocked.

“He’s taken over Alarick’s body. You know Jenna’s boyfriend.” I said.

“Of course he has. One of his favorite tricks. He wouldn’t be so stupid as to use Seth’s body again.” Elijah said.

“What are his other tricks. What is he going to do next. Your the only one who knows him.” I said.

“Yes I do.” Elijah said.

“So where’s this mysterious host I have heard so much about.” Skyler said.

“Fashionable late. He likes to make an entrance.” Elijah said as he turned around. “Here he is.” He said and pointed towards the stairs. Skyler turned around and watched as the ‘host’ came closer. “Skyler may I introduce to you the Lord Niklaus.” Elijah said.

“Niklaus is the name my father gave me. Please call me Klaus.” Klaus said.

“Elijah, Skyler what are you doing here. What happened.” Carol Lockwood said.

“Just a little incident Carol. I’m hoping you could help.” Elijah said.

“Well I’m just on my way to a meeting so I.” Carol said.

“It won’t take you a minute.” Elijah said then pulled me into the Lockwood mansion behind him. “Well first things first. I need some new clothes.”

“Maybe my husbands may fit you. I haven’t boxed them up yet.” Carol said.

“Wonderful.” Elijah said then Carol smiled at me then walked up the stairs and disappeared out of sight.

“How do you know she’s not on vervain. I made sure Damon would give her some.” I said.

“Because I am the one who got her off it right before your family killed me.” Elijah said. “Twice if you would excuse me I will be down the hall.”

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