She's back

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I stood next to Elijah on the Gilbert's porch waiting for someone to open the door. The smallest noise freaked me out. Every time I saw something move I thought it was going to be Klaus. I grabbed the piece of paper I had found that had my name on it and opened it out so I could read it.

Tell my brother it is his turn to hand you over. He has had long enough with you this time. You look lovely Skyler stood there on the Gilberts porch in the moonlight. You were made to be out in the moonlight just like Katerina was. No wonder my brother spends so much time protecting you, you're just his reminded of her. Klaus.

"Skyler come on. Elena has invited you in again." Elijah said. I looked up from the paper and handed it to him.

"It's true isn't it." I said.

"Skyler he's doing this to make you go running off so he can get you." Elijah said.

"You didn't deny it. I'm just a thing to remind you of her. Of that bitch who ruined my life and my families as well." I shouted. Elijah grabbed ahold of my arm and dragged me into the house. "Let go of me you lying bloodsucker." I shouted. Damon and Stefan came running into the hallway and smiled when they saw me.

"You really have returned." Stefan said.

"What's wrong. What is going on here." Damon said.

"Ask the lying bloodsucker." I said then stormed into the living room.

"I was so worried about you Sky." Tyler said as he pulled me into a hug. Elijah walked into the living room and looked at me.

"Am I going to tell them or are you." I said. Elijah just continued staring at me.

"What is going on." Damon said.

"I'm just a thing to him so he can be reminded of that bitch Katherine." I said.

"Excuse me I am not a bitch."

"Just perfect. Now you don't need to protect me cause the real one is here." I said.

"Katerina." Elijah said as he stepped towards her.

"Skyler I am so sorry for trapping you in that Tomb." Katherine said.

"I'm more bothered about you telling Klaus that I was in the Tomb and was still alive." I hissed.

"Mummy." Rolissa shouted as she ran down the stairs. I turned around and smiled at her. I held my arms and she ran over and hugged me. "I missed you mommy." Rose said.

"I missed you to Rose." I said.

"Hi Aunty Elena." Rolissa said as she pulled away from the hug and waved at Elena.

"Rolissa remember what I told you." Tyler said as he looked worried.

"Sorry daddy. I forgot they didn't know." Rolissa said.

"I was right it is really you." Damon said as he stepped towards me.

"Your right D." I said then ran over and hugged him. "God I have missed you so much." I said.

"Skyler." Stefan said. I pulled away from Damon and looked at him.

"My name is Sky not Skyler." I shouted then glared at Stefan. He looked sad but I didn't care. He had hurt me to much for me to forgive him.

"What the hell is going on. We just got like all your 50 messages saying to come here." Lissa said as she walked into the living room with Rose.

"Mum who are they." Rolissa asked.

"Don't worry darling." I said and kissed her head.

"Sky is that you." Rose said. I stood up and turned around. I could feel myself start to shake with fear as I opened my eyes and looked at Rose and Lissa.

"Your back." Lissa shouted as tears rolled down her face. "He didn't hurt you did he." Lissa said as she appeared in front of me. She placed her hand on my cheek and smiled at me. "And who may you be little one." Lissa said as she knelt down next to Rolissa.

"I'm Rolissa." I turned and smiled at her.

"Is that your mum by any chance." Lissa said as she pointed at me. My jaw dropped as she said that. How the hell did she know that.

"Yep and your my Aunty Lissa right." Rolissa said.

"You had a daughter and never told us." Rose shouted as she stormed over to me.

"Rose I am so sorry. I couldn't return and put you and the others in danger. As soon as I heard he was after Elena. I returned to make sure you are all safe. Your my younger sister Rose, my sister who I missed so much. I named Rolissa after you and Lissa so I always had you in my heart. Please don't hate me Rose." I said. I knew the tears has started to fall but I didn't realize how much I was actually crying. Rose pulled me into a hug and started crying.

"I missed you sis. I'm not angry so don't worry. I'm just glad your back." Rose said.

"Elijah I am sorry." I said.

"Don't worry about it Skyler, I mean Sky." Elijah said and smiled at me. I ran over to him and hugged him. I pulled away then turned and stood next to him.

"What are we going to do about your brother." I said.

"Brother." Everyone said except for Tyler and Rolissa.

"Klaus is my brother." Elijah said. "I don't care that he is my brother. I just want him dead and I know that Elena is the only way I can do that."

Better Than Revenge - A Vampire Diaries Fan Fiction (On Hold)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن