She's back

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“Damon you promised.” Rose shouted as she handed Damon the newspaper with the animal attack in it.

“I haven’t feed on anyone. I promise you that Rose. It has to be another vampire.” Damon said. Stefan sighed then walked up the stairs and into his room. He opened the door and pulled out one of his journals. It was so sad to see him thinking of Katherine again. He turned around and nearly spotted me. I’m glad I hid behind the wall just in time. He turned back around and continued looking at the picture of Katherine. I walked onto his balcony. He turned around and I smiled at him.

“Sky.” Stefan said shocked.

“Hello Brother.” I said.

“It was you and not Damon.” Stefan said.

“I see you have a new toy. Elena if I am correct. The spitting image of Katherine. I wonder what her blood tastes like. I bet it is lovely.” I said. Stefan ran and attacked me. We smashed through his balcony and fell to the ground. Stefan got up and coughed as he caught his breath again. “Did you forget I am older and stronger than you Stefan. Human blood does that to you.” I said.

“You will leave Elena alone Sky.” Stefan said. I grabbed ahold of his throat and slammed him onto the floor.

“No one tells me what to do Stefan.” I said then I heard a door opening. “I think we woke Damon.” I said then let him go and walked towards the house. “Hi Damon.” I said as I walked into the house. He stopped and turned around.

“Sky?” Damon questioned.

“What’s all the racket about.” Rose said as she and Lissa walked down the stairs. I looked at them and smiled as they saw me.

“Sky.” They screamed and ran over to me. I was attacked with hugs. I hugged them back then pushed them away and walked over to Damon. I hugged him and relaxed as he hugged me back.

“Your home.” Damon said.

“She’s the one who killed them people.” Stefan said.

“Shut up Saint Stefan.” I hissed.

“Yep she’s back.” Rose said and high five’d me.

“Can we wait till tomorrow for you all to attack me with questions. I’m going to my room.” I said then ran up the stairs and into my room.

Better Than Revenge - A Vampire Diaries Fan Fiction (On Hold)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora