Not the only one

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Toothless, the Night Fury, looked down at the young dragon before him, whose scales shimmered in the light of the rising sun. He felt a mix of emotions flood through him, from awe and wonder at the sight of such a magnificent creature, to a deep sense of sadness and disbelief. As he looked closer, he realized that this dragon might be one of the last of their kind.

Toothless had spent the last fifteen years searching for any sign of other Night Furies, scouring every inch of the vast world around him. He had flown over mountains and valleys, through forests and oceans, and even to the most far-flung corners of the Earth, but had never found any trace of his kin. And now, as he gazed down at this young dragon, he couldn't help but wonder if the Night Furies had truly gone extinct.

Despite the weight of his thoughts, Toothless felt a glimmer of hope deep within him. Perhaps this dragon was the key to unlocking the mystery of the Night Furies' disappearance, or perhaps there were others out there, waiting to be found. Whatever the case, Toothless knew that he had to protect this dragon at all costs, for it was a precious reminder of what had been lost, and what could still be found.

Hiccup dismounted Raya's dragon, Cutter, and cautiously kept his distance from the Furies alongside Raya. They had just managed to rescue the baby Fury and escape a Dragon Hunter's ship. Toothless, Hiccup's loyal Night Fury, had flown off with the baby to ensure its safety.

After a brief search, they all rendezvoused on one of the sea stacks near Kumandra. They sat down to discuss their next move regarding the baby. They knew they had to take action to protect the little creature from the Dragon Hunters, who would stop at nothing to capture it.

"I just can't believe it." Hiccup said in astonishment. "It's another Night Fury!"

"And a young one at that," Raya commented.

For the past five years, they had witnessed the dragons perform what they called "The New Birth," which was their version of celebrating holidays like Hiccup growing up with Snoggletog or Raya and her family celebrating Christmas. During this time, dragons would fly off, according to Toothless, to go be with their mates and lay eggs in a safe location. Unlike Sisu's kind of dragons, who give birth through eggs in a similar manner. But it seemed the other kind of dragons laid explosive eggs; everyone agreed it was best to let them go for a few days during the holiday season to avoid any potential danger. But apparently Toothless believed Night Furies didn't work on the same schedule since he had taken a few visits there himself and nobody had ever seen Night Furies there before.

All of which means they can tell you how old a dragon is just by looking at it, not saying they're always 100% correct, but they're usually able to get it in the ballpark.

Raya knelt down slowly to get a closer look at the baby Night Fury, keeping a respectful distance. She gazed at him in awe, admiring his shimmering scales and curious eyes. As she took a few tentative steps closer, the baby Night Fury let out a high-pitched shriek and darted behind Toothless, seeking protection. Raya immediately stopped moving and stood still, understanding the baby's fear. She slowly backed away, keeping her eyes on the baby Night Fury until she was a safe distance away.

"It seems like it doesn't like people," Raya commented and stood back up.

"I really don't blame it." Hiccup stated as he knew this dragon was likely tortured or harmed by the Hunters.

"How can we train it if we can't get close to it?" Raya wonders.

Well, before we start calling it "it" the entire time it's with us, maybe we should try and figure out what it is. Hiccup commented and looked to Toothless. "Toothless, is it a boy or a girl?"

Toothless, the black dragon, turned his head toward Hiccup, his rider, before his gaze fell upon the playful Night Fury cub. The little dragon was running around Toothless' front legs; its tiny paws padding against the ground as it darted around with boundless energy. Toothless watched with fascination, trying his best to understand the little one's movements.

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