[ 2 ] The Taste of Your Lips

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".. and thank you for all of your support."

Baekhyun claps his hands as the President finishes his brief speech. He is smiling widely as he follows Chanyeol sitting on the chair on the stage with the rest of the members. There's a scoff beside him, so Baekhyun turns to his side.

"Wow. Very supportive."

"Shut up, Sehun," Baekhyun says to his bestfriend, roommate and gym partner. He rolls his eyes. "You're just jealous."

"And why would I?"

"Because he's cool and you're not," Baekhyun teases with a smirk. "You didn't even make it to the Student Council to get near to your crush."

"I'm not like you who's drooling over Kim Jongin all day," Sehun says back, crossing his arms over his chest.

"And I'm not like you who's ogling at Luhan-sunbae every two seconds," Baekhyun retorts with a chuckle earning a punch on his arm.

"I heard Luhan-sunbae and you are close..." Sehun whispers, looking everywhere. "Can you.. give me his number."

"We're not that close.. I think he's closer with Jongin," Baekhyun says, looking at the stage at Luhan and Jongin who are sitting together beside Kyungsoo. They are whispering to each other, their faces are dangerously close.

"I'm jealous," Sehun says with a pout. "Look at them, they look good together."

"Yeah," Baekhyun says, his eyes sad as he watches the two. "They do."

"It's a shame, though," Sehun replies after a while. "Kim Jongin is already dating someone."

"WHAT?" Baekhyun half-shouts, half whispers, gripping Sehun's arm, he can feel a little pinch in his heart. "Is that even true!?"

"You didn't know?"

Baekhyun just stares, and Sehun sighs, realizing Baekhyun was just a transferree who's appointed to be the Vice President without getting elected.

"He's dating him," Sehun says, pointing at the student beside Jongin. "Do Kyungsoo."

Baekhyun's eyes widen in surprise. "A-are you.. sure?"

"Yeah. At the prom last year, Kim Jongin asked Do Kyungsoo out, and since then, they started dating."

Baekhyun doesn't say anything, there's a slight pain in his heart, but he's also confused about something he doesn't know why. He keeps silent for a minute that Sehun has to nudge his arm to check if he's still breathing.

"Yah, are you alright?" Sehun asks, slightly worried. "It's normal, you know, that's how I felt when I found out Luhan-sunbae was dating the President."

Baekhyun pauses, turning his head to his bestfriend. "W-what?"

Sehun chuckles. "There are many things you still don't know, am I right?"

Baekhyun nods slowly. "Y-yeah."

"What I said was true. They dated for a while," Sehun says. "But they broke up, I don't know why as well as everybody. It's a secret, and nobody dares to find out."


Sehun's words still ringing into his ears, Baekhyun walks through the locker room to return his notebooks for the day. He swings the door open to find a note taped inside his locker.

The Student Council's Secret: BOOK 1 - CHANBAEK FF ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon