Chapter 16

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"All right, we have a plan,"

A very messy one at the most.

"Six stones, three teams, one shot," Captain Righteous lectures, standing around the time travel contraption.

I'm standing next to it, having no intentions of going anywhere. However, I'm not entirely sure if it will force me to go with Thor, the whole fylgjur thing is a bit confusing really.

"Five years ago, we lost. All of us,"

You lack conviction.

"We lost friends,"

Maybe you're not so bad after all, brother.

"We lost family,"

You really are the worst brother.

"We lost a part of ourselves,"


"Today, we have a chance to take it all back,"

Maybe not.

"You know your teams. You know your missions,"

Two out of the three being messes I caused.

"Get the stones. Get them back,"

Preferably without dying.

"One round-trip each. No mistakes, no do-overs,"

Be perfect, just like your brother.

"Most of us are going somewhere we know. That doesn't mean we should know what to expect,"

Especially if you have to deal with me on Asgard or New York. That'd be horrid.

"Be careful. Look out for each other,"

The Tesseract? Or your brother's head?

"This is the fight of our lives, and we're gonna win,"

That's debatable.

Rogers turns to look at Stark, "Whatever it takes,"

Stark gives a small smile, a slight nod.

"Good luck,"

Choosing to ignore Raccoon and the idiot fangirling over Rogers and his speech, I look at Green Banner, who is fiddling with the control panel, holding a tiny jet in his palm.

"See ya in a minute," Romanoff smiles, her eyes filled with determination and strength.

The mirrored panels from the ceiling rotate, coming closer to the team. The helmets fasten around their heads, the floor grows a bright orange, sucking them into the past.

It's not even a second when I feel it. The horrible, horrible pain in my body. A tugging feeling in my stomach. Thor flashing through my mind again and again.

My eyes to wide as panic fills my soul.



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