Chapter 3

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After the battle on Geonosis, Annalise was appointed to General to her own set of clone troopers, but not only that she was given a padawan by Master Yoda

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After the battle on Geonosis, Annalise was appointed to General to her own set of clone troopers, but not only that she was given a padawan by Master Yoda. Right now, Annalise walks into the Chancellor Palpatine's room and Chancellor Palpatine says, "Please, excuse me, Master Yoda. I must return to the grand adventure of politics." Master Yoda smiles at Annalise and says, "Greetings, my old padawan." Annalise smiles and says, "Master Yoda. Always a pleasure to see you." Annalise bows and Master Yoda bows and says, "Good, it is, to see you, Princess." Master Yoda walks away, and Chancellor Palpatine says, "Annalise. We were to discuss..." Annalise says, "The new security measures you put into effect on Alderaan. My security chief tells me there are several new battles in the Outer Rim." Chancellor Palpatine says, "Including a small skirmish with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin." Annalise's worried about Anakin and says, "Anakin? Is he in danger?" Chancellor Palpatine says, "I'm afraid the Jedi's efforts to strike a secret treaty with the Hutts have gone terribly wrong. Jabba believes Anakin has abducted his infant son." Annalise gets defensive and says, "A Jedi would never do such a thing! Perhaps I can get that treaty signed. I will go to the Hutts and convince them of Anakin's innocence, as a representative of the Senate, of course." Chancellor Palpatine says, "That is very courageous of you, Princess, but far too dangerous. Besides, we've attempted to contact Jabba, he won't accept communication from us." Annalise says, "Jabba the Hutt has an uncle in the old downtown area here on Coruscant. Perhaps I can reason with him and reopen negotiations." Chancellor Palpatine says, "Please, my dear, I beg you, reconsider this." Annalise says, "Don't worry, Chancellor, I've dealt with far worse than the Hutts." As Annalise walks away, Chancellor Palpatine says, "Do take care, Princess. The Hutts are bile gangsters."

Later, Annalise arrives where Ziro is and as she's escorted to Ziro, she has her hood up concealing her face

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Later, Annalise arrives where Ziro is and as she's escorted to Ziro, she has her hood up concealing her face. The droid says, "Your majesty, you have an important visitor." Annalise steps forward and puts her hood down and says, "Greetings, Ziro. I am Princess Organa of the Galactic Congress." Ziro says, "A Princess? In this neighborhood? Hmm." Annalise coughs from Ziro's smoke and she says, "I know that you are the uncle of Jabba the Hutt of Tatooine. I come to ask a favor of you." Ziro says, "A favor? Hmm?" Annalise says, "There has been a grave misunderstanding between Jabba and the Order of the Jedi." Ziro says, "How may I serve you, Princess?" Annalise says, "I was hoping you and I could resolve this dispute and broker a treaty between the Republic and the great clan of the Hutts." Ziro says, "A treaty? A treaty? A treaty is impossible. My nephew Jabba's son has been kidnapped by your Republic Jedi scum." Annalise says, "But, sir, there's been a misunderstanding." Ziro says, "There is no misunderstanding." Annalise says, "It is the Jedi who have rescued his son. If you can put me in touch with Jabba, I am confident I can convince him of the truth." Ziro says, "No! No more discussions. Escort her out!" Annalise says, "Please, Ziro! Your nephew Jabba is in danger. You're being deceived." Ziro says, "I said throw her out." As the droid grabs Annalise, she brushes it off and says, "Don't touch me." Annalise escorts herself out with the droid following behind her making sure she leaves. The droid takes them into an elevator and Annalise thinks this is the perfect time to make her move, she gets out her lightsaber and slices at the droid's head knocking it off. Annalise then escapes through the elevator and runs back where Ziro is and she watches Ziro speak to someone on a hologram. Ziro says, "Your plot is coming apart, Count Dooku! A Princess from the Republic was here. What if she found out I helped you kidnap Jabba's son?" Count Dooku says, "Don't worry, I have convinced Jabba that the Jedi have murdered his son and are on their way to kill him." Ziro says, "Jabba will slay the Jedi on sight!" Annalise widens her eyes and whispers, "Oh, no." Dooku says, "Then the mighty Jedi Order will be forced to bring Jabba to justice, and you, my friend, will be left to take control of all the Hutt clans." Ziro says, "Then the plot against my nephew Jabba has succeeded. But what about this meddling Princess?" Dooku says, "If she continues her investigation, have her meet with an accident with extreme prejudice. I will have someone in the Senate cover it up." As Annalise backs away, she's grabbed by a droid and she slices at him. Then another comes up beside her and she slices it. Annalise glares at Ziro and says, "You're never gonna get away with this, Ziro." Annalise looks over at Dooku and says, "Of course you're behind this Dooku. The poisonous traitor rears his ugly head once again." Dooku says, "I'm equally delighted to remake your acquaintance, Princess Organa, is it?" Annalise says, "Don't pretend you don't know who I am. Ziro the Hutt, you are under arrest for the kidnapping Jabba the Hutt's son." Annalise takes out the cuffs and cuffs Ziro, turning off the hologram. Annalise uses Ziro's hologram transmission to contact Jabba the Hutt about his son. Annalise says, "Greetings, honorable Jabba. I am Princess Organa of the Galactic Congress. I have discovered a plot against you by one of your own. Your uncle will admit he conspired with Count Dooku to kidnap your son and frame the Jedi for the crime." Annalise switches the hologram to Ziro. Jabba angrily argues with Ziro. Annalise switches it back to her and Jabba's droid says, "Ziro will be dealt with by the Hutt family most severely." Annalise says, "Perhaps now you will allow the Republic to use your trade routes and hostilities can come to an end." Jabba chuckles and talks while his translator says, "Jabba agrees. A treaty is in order." Annalise smiles and says, "You will not regret this, Jabba." Jabba's translator says, "The clone armies may move through Jabba's territories." Anakin smiles at Annalise and says, "Princess, you have my undying gratitude." Annalise smiles at Anakin and says, "No, Master Skywalker, it is I, and the Republic, who owes you thanks." They both smile with love in their eyes and Annalise ends the transmission.

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