Chapter 4

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Annalise is on her ship with C3PO because Chancellor Palpatine is sending her on an assignment

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Annalise is on her ship with C3PO because Chancellor Palpatine is sending her on an assignment. C3PO says, "My lady, are you sure the information from Chancellor Palpatine is reliable?" Annalise says, "Yes, it was secretly given to him by the supreme executive of the Banking Clan himself. If they leave the Separatist Alliance, it will go a long way to shortening this war." The dashboard beeps and Annalise says, "We're approaching the system now." As they come out of hyperspace, they find themselves in an ongoing war battle. C3PO's frightened and says, "Ah! My goodness!" Annalise says, "This isn't right. That's a droid warship. We're in the middle of a battle." As Annalise flies away from the ship, the radio comes on with a voice saying, "Alderaan cruiser, identify yourself." Annalise says, "This is Princess Organa." Anakin worriedly says, "Annalise, what are you doing out here?" Annalise says, "I was sent on a special mission. The Senate was told the Banking Clan wanted to negotiate a treaty." Anakin urgently says, "Get out of there as fast as you can." Then Annalise is jolted forward and C3PO says, "Have we been hit?" Annalise says, "I'm afraid it's much worse than that." They're stuck in tractor beam. Anakin worriedly says, "Annalise, what's happening?" Annalise says, "I'm being pulled inside the droid cruiser by a tractor beam. I will not be made a Separatist bargaining chip. Continue your attack. You must destroy this monstrous ship." The ship lands inside the cruiser and C3PO says, "It does not look safe out there, my lady." Annalise says, "I see now this whole thing was a trap. And I'm afraid I walked right into it." Annalise overloads the power system, and she says, "Come on, I've overloaded the power system." C3PO says, "Oh, we're doomed." Annalise climbs out of the ship, and she looks annoyed at C3PO because he's slowing her down. Annalise says, "Come on, 3PO, hurry." C3PO says, "Hurrying, my lady. I'm not sure this is such a good idea." Annalise says, "Well, it's the only idea I've got." Later, Annalise and C3PO hide behind a bunch of shipping containers and watch General Grevious aboard her ship with two battle droids. The ship then explodes and Annalise and C3PO leave the hangar bay. As Annalise and C3PO walk down a hallway, Annalise stops at a communication board and C3PO says, "Pardon me, but might I suggest we keep moving? I think I hear battle droids approaching." Annalise says, "But we also need to contact the fleet. If I can just get this comm panel working." C3PO says, "My lady, I'm afraid I was right." Annalise then grabs C3PO and hurries away into a hiding spot before being spotted. Annalise overhears the droid says, "The hyperdrive is not as damage as we first thought. We should be able to get under way again shortly." General Grevious says, "I must inform Count Dooku. Stay here. Continue the search. Find the stowaway and bring them to me." The droid says, "Roger, roger." General Grevious walks away and Annalise whispers, "Of course it's Dooku, it's always Dooku." After the droids march away, Annalise and C3PO leave their hiding spot and Annalise goes back to the comm panel and tries to make contact with the fleet. Anakin says, "Annalise?" Annalise says, "Anakin." Anakin says, "Are you all right? Where are you?" Annalise says, "On the lower levels. I'm fine, but I don't know for how long. Droids are everywhere." Anakin says, "Obi-Wan and I are on board, too." Annalise widens her eyes and says, "What? What are you doing here?" Anakin says, "We came to get you off this ship. Ahsoka, how can we get to the Princess?" Ashoka says, "According to our scans, there seems to be a large open area in the center of the ship. It should be halfway between the two of you." Anakin says, "We're on our way. Did you hear that, Annalise?" Annalise says, "I'll be there." Annalise makes sure the coast is clear before making a run for it with C3PO hurrying behind her. Later, Annalise make to the end of the hallway, and she says, "This is where we're supposed to meet them. He's probably late again." C3PO looks behind him to see driods and says, "But we do have company of another sort." The droids says, "Blast them!" Annalise gets out her lightsaber and blocks their shots while running away. As Annalise keeps blocking their shots, she says, "Jump!" C3PO says, "Who, me?" Annalise pushes C3PO onto the train and she jumps after him, but he gets lost and she says, "Oh, no. 3PO!" Annalise hears Anakin call for her and she looks over at Anakin with a smile and says, "Anakin!" The end of the track gets blasted, and she says, "The bridge is out. I'm gonna jump." Annalise jumps to where Anakin is and Obi-Wan says, "Nice jump. I'll fetch the droid." As Annalise makes sure no one is looking she brings Anakin in for a hug. Anakin smiles and wraps his arms around Annalise as they go through a tunnel. Anakin says, "Oh, the things you do to get me alone." Annalise smiles and says, "What can I say I missed you." Anakin smiles and leans closer to Annalise and softly kisses her lips. Then Anakin's comms come on with Obi-Wan saying, "Anakin, I got separated from your droid." The couple pull away and Anakin's annoyed they got interrupted. Anakin speaks in his comms and says, "I'll take care of it. We'll meet you back at the Twilight." Annalise says, "No, we can't leave yet. I overheard Grievous. Their hyperdrive is almost repaired." Obi-Wan says, "I'm already headed in that direction, so I'll make certain that the hyperdrive stays offline." Anakin looks at Annalise and says, "I'm getting you out of here. R2, I need you to help me find 3PO. He's on the rail jet." R2 beeps and Anakin stutters, "I know. He does. Look, just find him for me, and I'll be there soon." Later, as Annalise and Anakin are running down a hallway, droids are firing at them, and they block their attacks with their lightsabers. They duck behind a wall and Anakin contacts Obi-Wan and says, "Obi-Wan, come in Obi-Wan." Annalise covers Anakin while Obi-Wan says, "Anakin, I'm afraid Grievous is one to us." Anakin says, "Yeah, we noticed." Obi-Wan says, "We'll rendezvous back at the Twilight. The fleet must engage the--" Then the comms cut off and Anakin says, "Obi-Wan? Come in. Obi-Wan!" Annalise says, "What's wrong?" Anakin says, "They're jamming us." Annalise then starts slicing the droids with the help of Anakin. Anakin says, "That might buy us some time." Annalise says, "I suppose you have a plan." Anakin smiles and says, "Follow me." Annalise smiles and follows after Anakin. Later, Annalise and Anakin walk onto the bridge and the droids look at them. Annalise and Anakin slice at the droids. Once they've done that, Annalise says, "So, where do we start?" Anakin says, "First we need to get rid of these droids, so they won't know we were here. I'm gonna hot-wire the ship, give Grevious a little surprise." Annalise says, "I guess I'll clean the droids then." Moments later, Annalise is done, Anakin says, "That ought to do it. How's the housecleaning going?" Annalise says, "Done. Let's get out of here." They walk into the elevator and leave. Later, they meet up with 3PO and Anakin says, "3PO, what are you doing here? Don't just stand there. Let's get back to the ship." They make it to airlock and Anakin says, "Power up the engines, R2." Obi-Wan heads towards them and says, "Hold the ship!" Obi-Wan makes into the airlock with them and they all board the ship. Obi-Wan says, "I'll contact the fleet." Anakin sits in the pilot chair and says, "R2, release the docking clamp." They fly away from the cruiser. Everyone's then jolted forward from being shot at and Obi-Wan says, "Time for some clever tricks, Anakin." Anakin says, "That's what I was thinking." They are jolted forward once again and Anakin looks at Obi-Wan and says, "You know, we have guns. You can shoot back any time." Obi-Wan says, "I was just about to--" Annalise cuts Obi-Wan off and says, "I got it." Annalise pulls down the scope and fires back. Obi-Wan says, "Nice shot, Princess." Annalise smiles and says, "I'm not just as good with a lightsaber." C3PO says, "Pardon me, sir, but R2's scan of the enemy's ship indicates their hyperdrive is activating." Anakin says, "Don't worry about it." Obi-Wan says, "What?" The cruiser crashes into the moon and Obi-Wan looks over at Anakin with a knowing look and says, "I imagine you had something to do with that." Anakin smiles and says, "All part of the plan, Master."

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