Chapter 5

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Annalise's is aboard a fleet with Anakin standing next to her speaking with Obi-Wan who's on a hologram

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Annalise's is aboard a fleet with Anakin standing next to her speaking with Obi-Wan who's on a hologram. Obi-Wan says, "Among our most recent losses was the battlegroup at Falleen. The Separatist fleet commanded by General Grievous is headed your way." Anakin says, "Seems like that coward always knows where and when to attack us." Obi-Wan says, "You're heavily outnumbered, Anakin. I advise retreat." Anakin says, "If we run, the Separatists will take control of this sector. I can't let them do that." Obi-Wan says, "And that is your problem." Annalise says, "Master Kenobi is right. We should regroup. We don't stand a chance against--" Anakin cuts Annalise off and says, "Annalise." Annalise says, "Suicide is not the Jedi way, Anakin." Obi-Wan smiles at Annalise and says, "You should listen to the Princess." Anakin says, "No, we are going to stay and fight. And I think I know how to beat Grievous at his own game." Later, Anakin's out in the field with the rest of his squadron ready to attack Grievous. Annalise stayed on board the ship as she says, "Resolute command to Gold Leader. We are standing by." A clone says, "Enemy closing to zone six. Zone five." Anakin can sense Annalise's worry and says, "Don't worry, Annalise. We got this." Annalise softly smiles. The clone says, "Zone four. Zone three." The clone says, "They're right on top of us. Should we commence firing?" Annalise says, "Wait. Wait." Grevious hits the fleet and Annalise feels herself tumble. The Separatist fleet continue their fire and Annalise says, "We're outgunned. We're not gonna last a mynock minute out here." Anakin says, "Hang on, Annalise. We've got 'em right where we want 'em. Annalise, we're in position. Unveil our little surprise." Annalise says, "You got it, General Skywalker. Rex, it's time you joined the party." Rex says, "With pleasure, sir." Annalise says, "Forward cannon, let him have it." They start firing Grevious ship on all sides. Annalise says, "Let's finish this! All batteries, target that command bucket." All fire is aiming at the cruiser. Later, Annalise's in the med bay with a worried expression on her face waiting for Anakin to wake up. Anakin starts waking up and Annalise sighs in relief he's okay. Anakin groggily says, "What happened?" Annalise softly says, "You owe Rex your life, Ani." Rex says, "Just doing my job, sir. It was your plan that won the day." Annalise says, "Grevious is AWOL, but his fleet of tinnies is nothing but spare parts." Anakin sits up and Annalise softly says, "Hey, take it easy." Anakin says, "Good work, both of you. Where's R2?" Annalise looks down with a solemn expression and she softly says, "He's gone." Anakin sighs. Later, the couple go speak with Obi-Wan on the hologram and he says, "Congratulations, Anakin. Your resourcefulness always amazes me." Anakin's still upset about R2 and he softly says, "Thank you, master." Obi-Wan says, "You look troubled." Anakin says, "I lost R2 in the field." Obi-Wan says, "Well, R2 units are a dime a dozen. I'm sure you'll find a suitable replacement." Anakin tightens his fist because he knows how much R2 not only means to him but to Annalise since she's the one that built him. Anakin says, "I could take a squad out there, track him down." Obi-Wan says, "Anakin, it's only a droid. You know attachment is not acceptable for a Jedi." Annalise says, "I think what Anakin's trying to say, is that R2's memory isn't wiped." Obi-Wan says, "What? He's still programmed with our tactics and base locations? If the Separatists get a hold of him... What possessed you not to erase that droid's memory?" Annalise says, "Obi-Wan, having R2 have that extra information has come in handy." Obi-Wan says, "Well, then find that droid, you two. Our necks might very well depend on it." Anakin says, "Right away, master." Later, Annalise is on the Twilight with a replacement droid for R2. Annalise doesn't really quite trust droids that she hasn't built. Anakin climbs up the ladder and he says, "You ready to go, Princess?" Annalise says, "Yeah." Anakin looks over at the gold droid and says, "What's that?" Annalise sighs and says, "A replacement astromech droid. This is R3-S6. Come on, R3." They all aboard the ship. Later, they travel through wreckage and Anakin points and says, "There's my ship! R2's gone. He must have escaped. He's got to be around here somewhere." Annalise says, "R2 isn't on the scanners. But there is a ship out there." Anakin says, "Looks like a Trandoshan scavenger. Probably combing the battlefield for salvage." They then dock on the ship and put on some disguises and go to the airlock. Annalise wrinkles her nose in disgust, and she says, "I forgot how bad it smell in here." Anakin chuckles. A camera comes out and Anakin says, "Hey, we'd like to buy a droid. You selling?" The camera leaves and the door slightly opens up and a creature climbs through farting and the couple are disgusted. Anakin says, "We're looking for an R2 unit. You happen to pick up any recently?" The creature says, "An R series? No, no, not for a long time." Anakin wraps his arm around Annalise bringing her close to his chest and he says, "My wife here really has her heart set on another R2. She lost the last one." The creature looks over at R3 and says, "Nice R3 unit. Trade for a C-14?" As Annalise opens her mouth to agree, Anakin tosses up some money and says, "Now let's see home much I have here." The creature says, "Tell you what? I may have an R2 unit buried somewhere in the hold." They follow after the creature as he opens the door to a storage room and says, "Help yourself. But be careful. There are many, um, unique items down here." They walk through the door and as their walking down, Annalise looks over at the powered off assassin droids and says, "These must be the unique items we were warned about. These assassin droids can be very unpredictable." Anakin says, "Yeah, they can be." As they keep walking forward, Anakin looks at R3 and says, "R3, access the computer and find the inventory manifest. R2's got to be around here somewhere." As R3 plugs himself in, the couple hear a noise that sounded like R2. Anakin says, "Did you hear that?" Annalise says, "Yeah, that sounded like R2." Anakin rushes to a door and says, "It came down here. R3, get this open." Then the lights start coming on and Anakin glares at R3 and says, "We don't need the lights on!" Annalise says, "No, R3. The hatch." Anakin says, "Never mind. I'll do it myself." Anakin gets out his lightsaber and starts cutting open the doorway. Annalise then senses some movement behind her, and she turns around to see the assassin droids working. Annalise gets out her lightsaber and fights them off. Annalise says, "R3, disengage the assassin droids." Annalise uses the force to toss one away, while she slices the head off the other one. Once that one is destroyed, she slices the another one's head off and she glares at R3 and says, "You're a worthless piece of machinery." Anakin says, "I'll say, he can't even the door to open. R2 would have never let this happen. He would never harm you; he cares too much about you." The door then opens and Anakin says, "A little late, Stubby." Anakin has his lightsaber towards the owner and Annalise places her hand on Anakin's arm and says, "Hey, no need for violence. Let's get out here. R2's got to be somewhere else." Anakin closes his lightsaber, and he grabs Annalise's hand and walks away bumping his shoulder with the creatures. The creature says, "I told you there were no R2 droids down here." They get back onto the ship and leave. Later, they're back on the fleet telling Obi-Wan what happened over the hologram. Obi-Wan says, "We have to assume that R2 was destroyed in the explosion that claimed your ship." Anakin says, "Yes, master." Obi-Wan says, "Our intelligence has confirmed that Grievous' spies have been intercepting our transmissions." Annalise says, "He must have some sort of secret listening post out there somewhere." Anakin says, "That would explain how he's been able to ambush our fleets." Obi-Wan says, "Split up your squadrons, Anakin. Find that base and destroy it." Annalise says, "It's as good as done, Master Kenobi." Obi-Wan says, "May the Force be with you both." Later, Annalise's with Rex by Anakin's fixed ship with R3. Anakin looks at Rex and says, "I'll sweep the outer corridor while the rest of your ships focus on the center." Rex says, "Are you sure you want to go it alone?" Anakin says, "I'm sure. More than one fighter will just draw too much attention." Rex says, "Yes, sir." Rex walks away and Annalise says, "Look, you can't go out their alone without a navigator and I know you don't like R3, but he's all we have." Anakin sighs and says, "All right. Come on, Stubby." As Anakin leaves, Annalise's on the bridge with a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. Annalise looks confused at why Anakin's tracking beacon is and she says, "That's General Skywalker's tracking beacon. What's he doing? Rex, get a hold of as many men as you can." Rex says, "Right away, sir." Rex walks away. Later, Annalise's in the Twilight with Rex and a few clone troopers. Annalise opens fire at the Separatist ships and she presses her comms and says, "Cargo bay doors open. You better get inside." Anakin says, "I'd love to, but R3's having a problem with the engines." Annalise says, "Let's give him some cover, boys." Rex says, "Yes, sir." As they keep shooting, Anakin says, "Almost there. Okay, I'm inside. Now let's get out of here, Annalise." Annalise says, "Power it up, Rex. We're going right between those tin cans." As they fly between the two cruisers, Annalise says, "Hit it, Rex." They then jump to hyperspace and once they come out Anakin walks in with an annoyed look because of R3. Anakin places his hand on Annalise's shoulder and says, "He's literally the worse. He almost got me killed out there!" R3 then leaves the room and Annalise says, "I know. I know that Obi-Wan wants us to give up on R2, but I can't. He's still out there. I know it. He's not just a friend, he's family." Anakin softly smiles and says, "I know." 

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