Chapter 12

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A clone looks at Annalise and says, "General, you should see this. It is one of the virus bombs." Annalise looks at the bomb and says, "It looks like the chamber that holds the virus is missing." The clone says, "That droid must have taken it." Annalise says, "Sound the alarm." The alarm goes off. Later, Annalise is alone with Jar Jar when then the room shakes, and a different alarm goes off. Annalise widens her eyes and says, "The virus has been leaked." Annalise puts on her hazmat suit and presses her comm and says, "Anakin, can you hear me? Anakin?" Anakin says, "Annalise, I am here. Are you all, right?" Annalise says, "Yes, for the time being. Jar Jar and I were in a safety chamber when the alarm went off. We are wearing protective suits." Anakin says, "The virus is loose, but Ashoka has sealed off the entire facility." Annalise says, "Yes, but any remaining droids will try to break out. I will do what I can to stop them. I can not let that virus escape." Anakin softly says, "Be careful." Annalise softly says, "I will." Annalise turns her comms off. Annalise hands Jar Jar a helmet and says, "Put this on. Come on, Jar Jar. We are going to find Ahsoka. We will need her help to find those droids." Later, as Annalise and Jar Jar are walking, Annalise tries her comms and says, "Is anyone out there? Can anyone hear..." Ashoka says, "Annalise, we are trapped in the safe room at the end of the complex 'B.' Annalise says, "We will be right there. Are you contaminated?" Ahsoka says, "I'm afraid so." Later, Annalise and Jar Jar hurry to find Ashoka and the clones when they spot a couple battle droids. They wait until they leave, before going over to the door where Ahsoka and the clones are. Ahsoka speaks through the comms and says, "Annalise, where are you?" Annalise says, "We are right outside your safety room." Ahsoka says, "Can you get the door open?" Annalise looks at Jar Jar and says, "Go ahead, Jar Jar." Jar Jar presses the button and the door open and they walk into the room. Some clones are coughing, and Annalise places her hand Ahsoka's shoulder and says, "I am sorry, Ashoka." Ahsoka says, "Don't worry about us, Annalise. We still have a job to do." Annalise says, "There aren't very many droids left. We saw some heading towards the south entrance." Ahsoka says, "As long as we're able, we'll help you destroy those droids before they breach the compound." Annalise says, "You take the north corridor, and we'll take the south." Later, Annalise is with Jar Jar and three clones heading towards the south corridor. Annalise says, "The droids are close. I can hear them cutting through the wall." They show themselves and the clones blast at the droids, while Annalise charges, igniting her lightsaber slicing them. Ahsoka and her clones meet up with her. Annalise and Rex point their preferred weapon at the droid that's about to go through the hatch. Rex says, "Stop." Annalise says, "Don't open that hatch." The droid laughs and says, "Ha! Too late." Annalise throws her lightsaber, and it slices through the droid making the droid fall down. Annalise grabs her lightsaber. Later, as everyone's walking down a hallway way, destroyer's roll over to them. As thy fire, Annalise and Ashoka fight the destroyer's while the clones shoot. Annalise jumps on top of one of the destroyers and slices into one disabling their forcefield. Once the force field is down, the clones destroy the destroyer. Ahsoka does the same with the other one. Ahsoka jumps down and notices air coming out of Annalise's suit and she widens her eyes and says, "Annalise!" Rex says, "General, your suit's been compromised." Annalise gasps and Ashoka says, "I'm so sorry." Annalise takes off her helmet and says, "Don't blame yourself. These things tend to happen in a war zone." Later, Annalise's out of her suit and her and everyone else find more droids trying to escape through a hatch. Ashoka says, "There they are." Ashoka slices at both of the droids. Ashoka groans and Annalise runs over and worriedly says, "Ahsoka." Ahsoka softly says, "I'm all right." Later, Annalise and Ahsoka are both getting very weak along with the clones. Ashoka turns on her hologram to speak with Anakin and weakly says, "Master, can you hear me? Destroyed all the battle droids inside the compound, Master. Alderaan is safe from further contamination. I repeat, Alderaan is safe." Ahsoka coughs. Annalise softly says, "Promise me that no one will ever open this bunker. Goodbye, Anakin. I..." Annalise cuts herself off with a cough and the hologram turns off. Later, Annalise is coughing as she goes to a pipe to get some fresh water and puts it on a trooper's head. Annalise looks at the dying clones and says, "What a waste." Rex looks at Annalise and says, "With all due respect, General... it's what these men were born to do." Annalise says, "I hope that their sacrifice brings us closer to peace." Ahsoka coughs and weakly says, "It will, Annalise." Ahsoka coughs and says, "You must believe that..." Ahsoka cuts herself off as she faints. Annalise worriedly says, "Ahsoka." Rex catches Ahsoka before she falls. Later, Annalise is on a cot being carried away when Anakin's at her side and he softly says, "Annalise. I spoke with the medical droid. He expects you to make a full recovery." Annalise weakly smiles and says, "I never lost faith in you. None of us did." Anakin says, "Oh, that is good to hear, 'cause there were a few moments where we weren't so sure of ourselves." Annalise says, "Well, you did make it. By the way, Ahsoka was brilliant. I trust I'll see you soon, General Skywalker?" Annalise grabs Anakin's hand and Anakin leans down and whispers, "Of course, Mrs. Skywalker." Annalise smiles and she's taken away. 

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