Chapter 10

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Annalise's is in a pod with Ahsoka and a healed Anakin. Commander Gree walks in and says, "General?" Anakin says, "Yes, Commander?" Commander Gree, "We've got a separatist ship incoming." Wag Too says, "This is neutral space." Anakin says, "It won't be neutral for long, not of the Separatists have their way." As Anakin goes to move, he grunts in pain. Anakin grunts, "Help me up." Annalise says, "Don't struggle." Wag Too says, "I'm sorry, but you're too injured to move." They hear the ship is close. Tee Watt Kaa walks in as he points accusingly at them and says, "What menace have you brought to our village now, Jedi?" Wag Too says, "Father, you can't blame them." Ashoka says, "He's right. The separatists don't even know we're here." Annalise says, "And they can't know. We've got to hide." Tee Watt Kaa says, "Your presence here endangers us. You must leave before your enemies find you." Ashoka says, "But you'll need our help. You can't fight them alone." Tee Watt Kaa says, "We will not fight them at all. We would rather die than to kill others." Ashoka says, "You're going to surrender? But how can you--" Anakin cuts her off and says, "Ahsoka, stop. If the Lurmen want to remain neutral, we won't force them into war." Tee Watt Kaa says, "See to it that they leave. I must see what our new visitors want." He walks away. Rex and Gree help Anakin up and Gree says, "Take it easy, sir. We'll assist you." Wag Too leads them away. Then the separatists are attacking the village and Wang Too says, "Why are they tearing apart our homes? We've done nothing to them." Ashoka says, "Violence, that's what those droids are programmed for. Can't we do anything?" Annalise says, "No. And if we're discovered, all the Lurmen will be slaughtered." Anakin says, "We'll be okay, if we make it to the tall grasses." They start heading to the tall the grasses. Later, they're in the tall grass away from the village. Anakin's on the ground leaning against Annalise for support not that he minds it. Rex says, "You know, I can't figure those villagers not wanting to fight. No pride, I guess." Ashoka says, "I call it no courage." Annalise says, "Sometimes it takes courage to stick to one's beliefs, Ashoka, as any Jedi well knows." Anakin says, "We need to find a ship. And I think the only one around here belongs to the separatists. We know they have a landing ship. They might have a shuttle." Rex says, "Sir, you talking about stealing from one of the clankers? Count me in." Annalise says, "We need to find them first." Ashoka points to a separatist droid as she says, "I think we just did." Annalise helps Anakin up as he says, "Blast it." Rex and Gree blast at the separatist droid. Annalise says, "Jam it's signal." The separatist droid flies away as Ashoka says, "After it!" Everyone goes after the droid, except Annalise she stays with Anakin. Anakin says, "You can go, I'm fine." Annalise chuckles and says, "Yeah, no. 'In sickness and health'." Anakin smiles at Annalise. Annalise helps Anakin walk after them. Annalise says, "I don't know if this is a good time to tell you this, but thanks for the rescue." Anakin says, "You don't have to thank me. When I heard that you needed help, my stomach dropped at the thought of you in trouble." Annalise says, "I'm not too keen with you sacrificing yourself to save us, especially when you got hurt." Anakin smirks and says, "It's all part of the job." Annalise says, "I just don't like when you're so reckless. I'm always constantly worrying about." Anakin says, "That goes both ways. We knew what we signed up for." Annalise sighs and says, "I know." Anakin leans down and presses his lips onto Annalise's cheek as Annalise smiles. Anakin smiles and says, "I love you." Annalise softly smiles and says, "I love you, too." Later, they make it to where Ashoka and the clones are. Annalise helps Anakin up the tree and Ashoka says, "I hope you're feeling better, Master, 'cause look what we found." Anakin grabs the binoculars and says, "I'm getting stronger all the time, Snips. But I'm not sure I'm ready for that." Anakin hands the binoculars over to Annalise and she sees a station full of armed droids. Anakin says, "That shuttle's our ticket off this rock." Commander Gree says, "It's not gonna be easy, sir. There don't seem to be any flaws in their security line." Anakin says, "Apparently, the Separatists have a new toy. See if you can get a closer look." Commander Gree says, "Yes, sir." Rex says, "I'll go with you, Commander." Both of the clones leave. Anakin sees two droids headed towards Rex and Gree's location. Anakin says, "Uh-oh. Stay down, boys." They see something shoot out of the sky heading towards the droids. The bomb crashes onto the ground and Rex and Gree shoot their grappling hooks up to the tree, but Gree trips. Annalise slices at the vein with her lightsaber and flies down and grabs ahold of Gree bringing him up. That new device caused massive damage to most of the land leaving the droids unharmed. Ashoka says, "That's some toy. It took out every living thing." The separatist are leaving and Annalise says, "Where are they off to now?" Anakin says, "They must be going back to the Lurmen village. There's nothing else in that direction." Annalise says, "Those villagers won't stand a chance." Anakin says, "First we'll take out the droids' communication station. Then, after we get a shuttle, we'll go back and help the Lurmen." Ashoka says, "But Tee Watt Kaa said he doesn't need our help." Anakin says, "There's a difference between pulling innocents into a war and leaving them to extinction." Later, it's nightfall and Annalise and Ashoka carefully approach the communication station. While Anakin distracts the droids, Annalise and Ashoka head onto the station. Annalise looks down and sees Anakin fighting off the droids. Annalise looks over at Ashoka and whispers, "Get to the door. I'll handle the droids." Ashoka nods and the split up. Annalise slices at the droids making her way to the hangar. Annalise meets up with everyone at the ship and Rex says, "Shield generator, sir." Anakin says, "Let's take them with us." As they board the ship with the generators. Annalise gets into the co-pilot chair as Ashoka gets into the pilot chair flying away. Later, they land in the village and walk off the ship. Annalise says, "Everyone, please, please listen. The separatist will be here in moments." Tee Watt Kaa says, "What are you doing here? I told you not to return." Anakin says, "I'm afraid the separatists don't care whether you're in the war or not. We need to get you to safety before they arrive." Tee Watt Kaa says, "We will not abandon our homes." Ashoka says, "But they've got a new weapon. It'll burn this place to a crisp. Is this what all of you really want?" Tee Watt Kaa says, "If it is our destiny to be destroyed in your war, so be it." Rex says, "Droids inbound. We've got eight minutes, tops." Anakin says, "Come on, guys. Let's get these shield generators in place." They turn the shields on. Annalise and Ashoka use the force to bring the pods into a line as a barricade, while Rex and Gree use their grappling hooks. Tee Watt Kaa says, "Pray stop what you're doing. Stop building that wall. I did not ask you to defend us." Anakin says, "This battle is inevitable. You can stand by your beliefs but let us stand by ours." Tee Watt Kaa walks away and Wang Too says, "Thank you for what you're trying to do. I'm sorry, but I cannot help. My father is very... strong-willed and set in tradition. Many others agree with me, but we were raised under a very strict code. We must respect it, even if we don't agree." Rex says, "They're holding position." Anakin says, "They're not going to charge us, not if they can hit us from long range first. But if we can withstand that weapon, will draw them in." Rex says, "Incoming!" They look up in the sky to see that very dangerous bomb from before. Anakin says, "Power the shields." Both shields are powered as that bomb crashes in front of the shield destroying everything around them. Anakin says, "Now they'll have to get their hands dirty and meet us face-to-face." They droids then are marching towards them, and Ashoka says, "That's a lot of clankers." Anakin says, "We've got to stop them before they get through that shield." They all pass through the shield and get ready to fight. They charge ahead at the droids fighting them off. Once their done battling the droids, Ashoka says, "That wasn't so tough." Anakin says, "That was just the first wave." As more battle droids march over, they fight them. Anakin says, "Snips, get back to the village! I'll take care of the new weapon." Ashoka heads back to the village. Annalise watches at how the droids make it past the shield and she gets ahead of them before they destroy the village. The shields are down, and Annalise, Ashoka, Rex, and Gree do their best to fight off the droids. Then some of the Lurmen village help fight. Once the droids are defeated, the village cheers. Later, as Gree and Rex take the separatist away, Anakin looks at Wag Too and says, "Thank you, Wag Too." Wag Too smiles as he says, "Thank you. Our village would certainly have been destroyed without your protection." Wag Too looks over at his father and Father, I was just offering the Jedi our thanks." Tee Watt Kaa says, "Perhaps we do owe you thanks. But I still wonder, at what cost?" Then the fleet finally arrived. 

Note: Happy Star Wars Day! May The 4th Be With You!

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