Chapter 11

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Annalise, C-3PO, and Jar Jar Binks are on their way to Alderaan because there are separatist battle droids

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Annalise, C-3PO, and Jar Jar Binks are on their way to Alderaan because there are separatist battle droids. Annalise lands the ship in the landing zone. Annalise, C-3PO, and Jar Jar leave the ship and walk over to her mother. Annalise says, "We came as soon as we could, mother. Have you found any more droids?" Her mother says, "Only the three. But you can be sure they aren't tourists. I need you to convince the Senate or the Jedi Council or whoever is in charge of this terrible war that we are threatened." Annalise says, "They'll need more proof. Finding a couple of battle droids will not be enough." Captain Typho's comms turn on and a voice says, "Captain Typho, the battle droid is ready for analysis." Later, all of them walk into a room where the powered down battle droid is and Annalise says, "Have you been able to retrieve any information?" Her mother says, "Unfortunately, the Alderaan security who discovered them prefer to shoot first and retrieve data later." Annalise says, "If they were found in the grasslands, where'd they pick up all this mud?" Captain Typho says, "Add that to our very long list of questions." As the medical droid slices the battle droids head, C-3PO says, "I'm getting a bad feeling about this. With your permission, Princess Annalise, I would like to shut down before I get sensory overload." Annalise says, "Permission denied." C-3PO says, "Denied?" Annalise says, "3PO, you may be able to get some information out of him." The battle droid awakens and says, "Cannot see. Where am I?" C-3PO says, "You are in very good hands on board a Separatist ship. Count Dooku himself intends to reward you for your bravery." The battle droid says, "Bavery?" C-3PO says, "For your assignment on Alderaan. Do try to activate what's left of your memory. We all want to hear your tale of medical heroics." The battle droid says, "Virus." C-3PO says, "Yes, the virus. You do remember. Please continue. A small amount leaked out. Must contain. Alderaan cannot know. Lab must remain secret." C-3PO says, "A secret lab on Alderaan? Where? You must--" Annalise covers up C-3PO's mouth and the battle droid says, "It is a secret. This is not a Separatist ship." Captain Typho points his gun at the battle droid and says, "Unless you want to became a box of spare parts, you'll tell us where that lab is." The battle droid says, "The lab is secret." A bunch of shelfs are knocked down and getting closer to them and Annalise says, "Look out!" Everyone gets out of the way and the shelfs crash on to the battle droid. Captain Typho says, "We'll never get any information out of him now." Everyone looks towards Jar Jar because he caused it. Jar Jar says, "Messa sorry. It was an accident." The top part of a droid that Jar Jar is holding tips and an insect falls out of it. Annalise looks at the bug and says, "Is this what you're after?" Jar Jar says, "Messa loves him. He's a very, very, good tongue grabbing. Yousa finden only in one placen." Annalise says, "Where?" Jar Jar says, "In the mud under the perlote tree." Annalise looks back over at the battle droid and says, "Like the mud on this droid. The eastern swamps. I think Jar Jar just found out the location of that lab." Later, they contact Master Windu and Master Yoda. Captain Typho says, "They're planning an attack on Alderaan. It's the only explanation." Master Yoda says, "Delicate the situation is. Two Jedi we will send." Annalise steps forward and says, "May I recommend General Kenobi and General Skywalker? Relations with the Gungans are a little tense right now, but they trust General Kenobi like one of their own." Master Yoda says, "Send them we will." The hologram disappears and Annalise looks at her mother and says, "I want as much information as possible before the Jedi arrive. See if you and 3PO can download any of the other battle droids memory. I'm going to find that lab." As Annalise walks away, her mother worriedly says, "Are you sure that's wise?" Annalise looks over her shoulder at her mother and says, "I can handle it, mother." Her mother softly smiles, but is still worried. Annalise says, "Come on, Jar Jar." Annalise and Jar Jar walk away. 

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