Chapter 6

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Rex says, "We've searched their supply grids, sir. There's nothing to indicate the presence of an enemy outpost." Annalise is by the comm panel, and she says, "Anakin, I'm receiving a strange transmission. I can't seem to make it out, though. Boost the volume, R3." Anakin says, "No, you're losing it." Anakin hits the panel, and they hear a familiar beep and Annalise smiles and says, "That's R2." Anakin says, "Trace it, Rex." Rex says, "Yes, sir. We have a lock on the droid's location, sir." Anakin says, "Prepare to jump to those coordinates." A trooper says, "Yes, sir." Anakin says, "Hold on, R2, old buddy. We're coming." Later, after jumping out of hyperspace, Rex says, "Sir, the last transmission came from that moon's upper atmosphere, directly ahead." Anakin says, "That's a Separatist battle sphere." Annalise says, "I'm picking up a lot of encrypted chatter." Anakin says, "Contact Obi-Wan. Stubby, scramble Secret Code Set 1477. I don't want that station to pick this up." A hologram of Obi-Wan pops up and he says, "Anakin." Anakin says, "Master, I believe we've found your Separatist listening post." Obi-Wan says, "Excellent work. Back off and wait. I'll send two mainline cruisers to help you destroy it." Annalise softly says, "But R2." Anakin says, "We believe R2, is on board. He's the one that led us here." Obi-Wan says, "Hmm, this complicates things. You must sneak aboard that station and destroy it before they crack R2's memory banks. I know you're both fond of that droid, but he's fallen into enemy hands." Anakin says, "I could rescue R2." Obi-Wan says, "No, this is not a rescue mission." The hologram disappears and Anakin looks at a trooper and says, "Keep jamming their scanners. If they spot us, we're dead." Later, they arrive at the listening post and as everyone gets geared up. Rex says, "We're bringing the droid?" Annalise says, "Unfortunately. We'll need R3 to open secured hatches and access the station's computer for us. Oh, and, Rex, you get to carry him." The docking bay opens up and they get ready to jump. Annalise smiles and says, "This is where the fun begins." Annalise runs off the ship and jumps down with a smile on her face. Anakin shakes his head with a smile and follows after her along with his men. They land on the ground and Rex looks at one of his men and says, "Next time, you're lugging this astromech around." His men laugh. Anakin cuts a hole into the ground with his lightsaber, and they all jump through. Once inside the post, the troopers destroy the droids guarding the section and start running and find a panel. Anakin says, "All right, Stubby. Get to work." R3 pulls up the buildings schematics and Rex points and says, "We are here. The reactors are 30 levels below us, there." Anakin looks at Annalise and says, "Annalise, you take the squad and blow up those reactors. Gravity will do the rest. We'll meet in the landing bay." Anakin hands her the bag and he says, "I'm going after R2." Annalise slips the bag on her back and says, "Be careful." Anakin nods and says, "I will." Anakin knows Annalise is in safe hands with his men, so he doesn't have to worry about her too much. Anakin runs away. Annalise leads the men and marches down a hallway. Annalise then finds R3 not behind her and she says, "You guys keep moving. I'm going to go find R3." Rex nods and says, "Yes, sir." Annalise runs and says, "R3, where are you?" R3 then rolls from a different direction, and she looks at the droid curiously and says, "What are you doing back here? Come on. We can't be wasting anytime." Annalise meets up with the clones at a blocked door. Rex contacts Anakin and says, "We found the reactor room, sir. The alarm triggered another security door, ray-shielded." Annalise says, "This could take a while to bypass." Anakin says, "Good luck with that." Annalise looks at R3 and says, "Go ahead, R3." Rex says, "Oh, this'll be good." They then hear marching and Rex says, "Those droids are getting close, sir. Do you think R3's going to open up that door anytime soon?" Annalise softly says, "I hope so." A trooper says, "I can always hot-wire it, sir." Annalise says, "Hurry up, R3." Rex says, "I think we've run out of time." The droids blast their weapons at them the clones along with Annalise fight back. Then there's droids shooting from behind them and then Annalise starts slicing the droids. Annalise says, "Rex, droid poppers, now!" Rex says, "Droid poppers!" Rex tosses the popper, and it explodes taking down four of the droids, while Rex does the same with the other droids and they're also down. Grevious appears and says, "Hello, your highness. We meet again." Grevious gets out his lightsaber. Annalise says, "Unfortunately. He's just another tinny, boys. Let's scarp him like the rest." Annalise fights Grevious and Grevious tosses her away and Annalise hits the wall and lands on the ground with a grunt. The clones shoot at Grievous. Grievous fights them off and as he goes to kill Rex, Annalise blocks his lightsaber and says, "Sorry to interrupt your playtime, Grumpy, but wouldn't you prefer a challenge?" Grievous says, "That wouldn't be you." Annalise says, "I beg to differ." Grievous gets out another lightsaber and charges at Annalise. Annalise blocks all his swings and fights back. Annalise then runs into a storage room with R3 behind her. As Annalise is hiding, Grievous says, "Where is the fight you promised me, Princess?" Annalise uses the force to knock over a box making Grievous think it's her. Annalise's comms beep and she covers her comm and Rex says, "Annalise, it's me, Rex. There are only two of us left. Should we abort the mission?" Annalise says, "No, complete the mission. Set the charges and rendezvous at the landing bay." Rex says, "But, sir--" Annalise cuts Rex off and says, "That's an order, Rex. I'll keep the general busy. Annalise out." Grievous says, "Come here, Princess. I'm looking for you. So far, you have failed to impress me." Annalise then sees R3 and whispers, "R3, over here." R3 shines his light at her, and Annalise says, "R3, no!" Then a lightsaber cuts through and Annalise slides out of the way. Annalise hears Rex say, "Annalise, we're in the reactor..." Grievous crushes her comms. Grievous says, "Your friends won't help you. You're stuck with me." Annalise slides through the shelves and runs away. Annalise hides up on the top shelf and she sees R3 with Grievous. Grievous says, "R3, what have you to report?" Annalise whispers, "I knew there was a reason why I didn't like that droid." Grievous says, "So, Skywalker has come for his R2 unit. Go and make certain they do not escape." R3 rolls away. Annalise jumps down from the shelf and makes sure the coast is clear before leaving. Then a clawed hand grabs her by the neck and grabs her lightsaber. Annalise struggles against his hold and Grievous says, "Another lightsaber to add to my collection. My spy droid, R3, has trapped your precious General Skywalker. When I'm finished with you, he's next." Annalise grunts, "You're wrong. He's gone by now, and he's gonna blow up your precious spy station." Grievous says, "Not this time." There's a rumble and when Grievous is distracted Annalise grabs her lightsaber and slices Grievous hand that's around her neck. Annalise jumps onto the shelves and jumps into an air vent using the force to get her lightsaber and she leaves. Grievous starts slicing the vent and Annalise tries not to get hurt and hurries to the landing bay. Once Annalise makes it to the landing bay, she cuts a circle with her lightsaber and jumps through landing on a battle droid slicing at it. Annalise jumps down to stand beside Anakin and she says, "So, what did I miss?" Anakin says, "Oh, the usual. It was foolish of you to take on Grievous by yourself." Annalise says, "I know, but I was leading the mission, and it seemed like a good idea at the time." Anakin says, "Did he tell you the stubby gold droid works for him?" Annalise says, "He might have mentioned it. But I knew there was something off about that droid." Anakin nods and says, "Me too." Rex says, "General Skywalker, there are fuel cells over here." Anakin says, "Get ready, Rex." Anakin uses the force to toss one of the fuel cells over to the droids, Rex shoots it, and it explodes where the droids are. The docking bay opens up and Annalise smiles and says, "It's good to have R2 back." Anakin smiles and says, "It sure is. Now, let's get out of here." Everyone boards the ship and Annalise pilots the ship out of the post. Rex says, "General Skywalker has gotten into his fighter. Where's he going?" Annalise says, "He's going after R2." Anakin says, "I'll be right back. Don't wait for me." Later, once Anakin's back on the Twilight with R2. As they explain everything to Obi-Wan who's on the hologram, Annalise is fixing up R2 to make sure he's all back to himself. Obi-Wan says, "So, let me get this straight, Anakin. You risked the mission, all of your men, Princess Organa to save a droid." Anakin says, "R2 found the listening post, and he saved our lives. We couldn't just leave him there, Obi-Wan." Obi-Wan sighs and says, "Oh, Anakin. One day..." The hologram disappears. Annalise smiles at R2 and says, "There. You're all good, buddy." R2 beeps happily and Annalise smiles and says, "And now you're back home with us." R2 beeps and Annalise pats his head with a smile. 

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