✯ The beginning of the end ✯

520 19 7

Warnings include:
!Bad grammar!
!Foul language !
!Obsessive behavior!

{No one POV}

It has been 5 months since Y/N arrived and 2 more months until final selection. You had completed and mastered total concentration breathing as well as swordsmanship, but you are yet to find a breathing style.

You had also mastered the skill of your gliding which Hana-San encouraged you to work on more.

These next couple months you were living in the mountain alone in an attempt to figure out and master your breathing style whatever that may be.

{Aoki's POV}

I'm currently hiding behind a nearby rock watching my Y/n's progress, Though she looks to be improving I'm worried about her finding a breathing style in time for final selection.

As I'm watching her practice her sword techniques I see the light reflecting off her sword creating beams of light all around her. 'It looks like she's found it now she just has to realize it.' I think to myself whilst turning around and start making my way down the mountain again to the estate.


These next few days I've been really trying to figure out my breathing style.Currently I'm Practicing my technique by cutting down bamboo when a beam of light went directly into my eye resulting in temporarily blinding myself. 'Wait a damn minute' I think to myself after quickly recovering and realizing what had just happened . I picked up my sword once again and began to practice, desperately trying to search for what I was looking for until finally I saw it. Two beams of light reflecting off my sword going into two different directions.

So in that moment I finally I found my breath.

  {2 hours later}
I've been studying for hours on my new form of breath and have found out that when I did certain movements depending on where the sunlight was the sun beams bounce off my sword.

"It's been in front of me the whole time. I am so mother fucking stupid-" I sighed at my stupidity and carried on studying the light bouncing off from my sword.

I also quickly learned that whenever my sword is tilted a certain way thats when the light beams appear, so I have been working on all the different types of motions I can do that makes the light reflect off the sword to create all the different forms of my new breathing style.

I didn't know if this would work In the night because of the lack of sun but moonlight is just sunlight reflecting on the moon, I had to assume it does. The other reason I'm a bit skeptical is because since moonlight is sunlight I know demons actually can be in sunlight just very small amounts of it. Otaa-San says that the sword smiths can make special swords for different breathing styles so I'm hoping that will solve that problem.

Finally after hours of hard work I've made my first form of breath. Light breathing form one Breathing in gold:  you hold the katana above and behind your head before bringing the sword down in a circular motion around the side of your torso so now the katana is tilted downward in front of you and you change your footing to be closer to the ground with one foot motioned back and the other foot stretched out further in front of the person this effect creates three light beams circling around your body and or opponents body this is a close range attack. And is deprived off of the kenjutsu style

I studied my new form for hours perfecting every movement of my body and every swing of my sword to perfection. My movements were graceful and precise. But I needed to train for something greater. Better stamina. Although my stamina was already developed to the point of a normal demon slayer, light travels fast. And I needed to be faster.

Otaa-San said she'd train my stamina in the mornings then after lunch I'll go make and practice my forms.

[??? POV]
I watched her from above in the trees while she was practicing her forms. They were so different and unique to any of the ones I had ever seen, and she was so graceful doing them too. She was gorgeous. I needed her here with me, but that would mean I'd have to hurt her. 'No not yet' were the words constantly being drilled into my head as I watched her.

I could have her soon. I'd just have to be rid of the old hag first. Smiling at the thought, I was finally able to pry my eyes off the captivating being in front of me and leave.

[Flash back]

It's finally time. I can finally rid her of the disgusting family she was born into. An embarrassment all of them.

I was in the trees running toward the house to which my Y/N lives in, spotting it in the distance I quickly jumped to the ground right behind a window. I looked through to see them. What looked to be the youngest was playing with a straw doll with another child probably around 8. Then I spotted a boy that resembles my Y/N but probably a couple years older and much less attractive. Finally I saw the father sitting while the mother was preparing lunch.

Fools all of them are complete idiots. None of them deserve to be around her beauty. I can't believe she still showers them with the gift of her presence every day it's complete nonsense.

I made sure my Y/n was not around to see me slaughter her family. I don't know what I would do with myself if she did.

I entered the home and all there attention was immediately set onto me.  First I went for the parents, immediately taking them down then moved onto the children. There scream were like a soft melody playing in my ears.

I hope my Y/n is pleased of what I've done so that now we can finally be together.

[End of flashback]

If only Y/n hadn't found those letters and traveled here. The whole reason we aren't together is because of that disgusting old hag, but I will make sure to take care of her just like I did the family.

She will be mine.


I hope you all enjoyed the story!

As always you are free to make any comments or questions and I will do my best to answer as fast as possible!

Also I forgot to show what Aoki looks like

Just envision her as the old lady from my happy marriage on Netflix

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Just envision her as the old lady from my happy marriage on Netflix.

1117 words

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