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"From the first flicker of consciousness to the exploration of distant galaxies, light accompanies us on our journey of discovery. It is the eternal storyteller, revealing secrets hidden in shadows, painting life's vibrant tapestry, and guiding us through the darkest nights. As we gaze upon the stars and contemplate the mysteries of the universe, let us remember that we are all stardust, born of the same cosmic fire that ignited the universe in the beginning. In the dance of photons and the embrace of illumination, we find our connection to the cosmos, our place in the grand narrative of existence. In the end, light is not just a physical phenomenon; it is a metaphor for the human spirit. It reminds us that even in the darkest of times, we carry within us the potential to shine, to illuminate the world with our unique brilliance, and to write our own stories of hope and resilience. Light is not just an external force; it is an intrinsic part of our being, a reminder that we are all, in our own way, radiant stars in the vast cosmic tapestry of existence."

-Chat GPT



"I shall name him Bartholomew, the third" she said staring at the Little turtle picking up a stick. She began to poke at it's shell curious about the little creature before her. (Don't ask about 1 and 2)

It has been a week since her safe return home and since then she spent her time training for the upcoming final selection that she hopes to pass so she can carry on her career as a demon hunter.

In this time Y/n has crafted a new form that she calls final glimpse referencing off of the last bits of light from the sun, as it goes down, past the horizon.

Final glimpse: This breathing form creates multiple thin beams of light that fly across the terrain of the area horizontally. These beams appear to be an ombré between pink, yellow and orange the darker it gets the more effective it is in combat with pink being the deadliest and yellow, being the most harmless. To do this you draw the blade slashing it to one side of your body then bring it above your head before bringing it down once more. This attack could kill a low rank demon but it can only do so much on a member of the 12 kizuki.

"L/N GET BACK TO PRACTICING!" The girl rolled her eyes eternally at her mentor before getting back to work. This past week has been especially hard because of its harsh and brutal training, if you thought total concentration constant was hard this is 10x worse. Aoki calls it "working till your half dead or already in the after life " which Y/n thinks is a total pain.

The training starts with a 10 kilometer swim to and back, then run up and down the mountain several times with the new traps she has set up, finally practice all breathing forms 1000 times each.

Y/n could feel her body getting stronger with her once thin and bony arms becoming more muscular and defined than before. This training though helpful has taken a mental toll on Y/n which is not very helpful considering she was not too mentally well before this.

{Aoki POV}

I sit there, watching the girl in front of me feeling bad for poor Bartholomew the third thinking back to what happened to all those other Turtles that came before him I wish she would just leave all these damn Turtles alone, and focus more on her training for final selection that is coming up faster and faster or at least that's what it feels like.

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