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Hey guys so from this point on I will be taking things into more drastic measures and cover more serious topics

So if you get triggered easily I sugest being cautious moving foward

So right now ive been very sick so expect slower updates!

Also I would just like to clarify some stuff

1. when douma was watching Y/n change its not cause hes a nasty pervert its because he was curious about Y/n as he has never met someone like her and wanted to know more about her

2. I am drastically changing the story line so just watch out for that

3. I am very embarrassed by the first section I wrote like- (メ﹏メ)

Anyways moving on


Falling rates

Demons- Demons will fall in love the fastest since most never expierence love and with that new found feeling theyre obsession will grow much faster so with that Demons will fall into an obsessive state the fastest

Males- Men will fall at different rates depending on their past and current situations for example tengen might fall in love slower because he is already in love and content with his wives and does not wish for more where as senemi will fall faster as he has never been inlove or quite frankly loved that much

Women- Females will fall inlove the lowest as the lgbtq+ community was very persecuted and seen as a terrible disease back then so naturaly it would be harder to fall in love and romantic feelings could be very well be mistaken for a very strong platonic love and if they were relized it would be very hard to do or show anything in fear of being outed, excluded, or even killed


Fun facts

1. Ghosts have been watching Y/n for years

2. Y/n's parents were going to sell her to a brothel once she turned 14

3. Y/n will be turning 13 january 16th

4. Y/n's faverite food is Kashi Pan

5. Y/n plays the Koto

6. Not everyone in Y/n's village resented her

7. When ubuyashiki heard of the girl Y/n who had slayed the most demons in the final selection I had perked his interest



Y/n's likeliness to be kidnapped- 60%

Y/n's likeliness to be manipulated- 5%

Y/n's likeliness to be stalked- 99.99%

Y/n's likeliness to use others obsessions manipulate them- 80%

Y/n's likeliness to become a hashira- 50%

Y/n's likeliness to become a demon- 40%



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