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It was bedtime for Jeongin. As he was trying to sleep there was suddenly a very loud noise...

It was Minho from the upstairs room. He was giggling at a picture of Stays and fell off his bed thumping.

Jeongin stomped out of his room to Minho's, to see what's the commotion but was stunned to see Jisung's face smeared with cake.

"Ahhh- what's that!!!" Jeongin spat, making his signature disgusted face.

"We are celebrating!!" Han Jisung said while trying to wipe his face with his shirt.

"What are we even celebrating?" Jeongin asked confused.

"We are doing a..- Wait isn't this past your bedtime? Go back to bed, this party doesn't concern you"

Jeongin just looked at him with the most RBF face ever unamused and said, "hyung, c'mon I'm not that wittwe" (little). (I don't mean he's little, yk sometimes when you just slip up in your words? Well yea)

And with that slip-up in his voice, Minho said, "You're way too little now go to bed."

With disappointment on his face, Jeong walked out of the room hearing Jisung and Minho giggling like maniacs behind him.

Jeongin was seriously mad at the two and started plotting a revenge plan. He pulled out Jisung's fairy costume from his closet and quickly wore it. This dress gave Jeongin and only him, the powers of a fairy.

Jeongin waddled his way to the mirror to check himself out. But as soon as he saw himself he shouted: "YeOnJuN!!"

The poor boy, Jeongin was stuck in a fox fairy costume!! The fairy costume had changed itself to fit Jeongin! When Jeongin was screaming, another fox and another fluffy baby bear entered his room out of nowhere!

Jeongin was traumatized and wanted to scream, but if he did so, he would wake everyone else up and he certainly did not want to get beaten up by Minho with a frying pan, Worse, Minho had borrowed Seokjin's (FROM BTS) PINK FRYING PAN AND PINK SLIPPERS!!

So when Jeongin was calculating ways to run away from the two animals in his room who were sitting beside him, the bear opened his mouth and started singing. The bear's voice was nasal and sounded like an old grandpa: "NeOnuN NaManUi SpEcIaL, hAnApPuNiN nAe sPeCiAl KkUmUi mUnI YeOlLigO ChUeg sOg hYeOnsIlLo"

Jeongin, in a corner of the room, terrified out of his wits was listening to the same song a few hours ago, and recognized the song as "Blue Hour" by TXT!!

His teeth stopped chattering and he fixed his Fox costume before saying: "BEOMGYU?" And as soon as he said that, the bear turned into Beomgyu!!

The other male fox turned into YEONJUN!! But Yeonjun was extremely angry. "Ah! Hello! You must be TXT Sunbaenim from HYBE?" Jeongin managed to say. Yeonjun noticed the terrified boy and smiled at him.

Yeonjun, being himself twerks in response to the boy's question "That will be us".

Then suddenly a seagull flew in from the window. Jeongin screamed again when the seagull managed to do literal back flips and finished studying a whole chapter which was on Jeongin's desk in three minutes.

"OMG ITS THE GOLDEN MAKNAE!" Beomgyu said. The seagull nodded and transformed into Jungkook. Jeongin (still traumatised for that matter) crawled further into the corner. So far he cracked the wall and alerted Minho as to where he was. An intimidating sound of footsteps followed, scaring the living daylights out of the poor baby bread.

Minho entered the room, still wielding the dreaded frying pan and slipper. He stares Jeongin down, not even sparing a glance at the others in the room.

"HEY! GIMME DEM SLIPPERS!" Jungkook yells, tackling Minho to the floor. Turns out the reason why Jungkook was in the building was due to Jin wanted his stuff back. But Minho wouldn't be taken down that easy (or would he?)

Rolling away from Jungkook like a sausage down a hill because someone dropped it when they were trying to have a BBQ, Minho did a back handspring to pose sassily, still holding his weapons of choice.

"How the heck-"

"Because I'm a qUeEnCaRd, I'm HoT, mA bOoB aNd BoOtYs hOt!"

Yeonjun and Beomgyu picked a few weapons of their own and posed along with Minho. "Sorry Sunbae"

Jungkook could not believe his eyes. All these men doing the pillared pose and threatening his alpha golden Maknae presence.

No this is unacceptable... He has to fight their alpha presence.

He glared fire in his eyes. "Eomma wants her frying pan back." He ran across the wall and grabbed the frying pan and slippers from Minho's hands before landing back. He has a side eye to Yeonjun and Beomgyu before turning into a seagull and flying away.


Jisung who was way hung this, scoffed. "Minho would never win. Jungkook is the golden Maknae. You literally cannot beat him. Minho you're built like a goddamn stick when it comes to fighting." (we all know I'm kidding he's scary AF)

Before Minho could retaliate Bang Chan suddenly flew into the room like Naruto. "JEONGIN WHY ARE YOU NOT SLEEPING?"

Poor Jeongin who watched the events unfold was lost for words and kept mumbling "Golden Maknae, Bear, Fox, Minho hyung, fight" until Bang Chan finally realized what had happened. He gave the older boys a look of disappointment and flew to his room with Jeongin on his back.

Chan's desperate attempts to put the boy to sleep were of no use so he decided to give the older boys a good earful. He flew back into the room, only to find a bunny, a deer and a chipmunk, along with the Yeonjun, Beomgyu and Minho.

"Soobin, Kai, Taehyun, why are you guys here now? I have enough to deal with already" Chan sobs. The respective animals turn into their human selves and start talking to the other boys, completely ignoring Chan.

Yeonjun, who was very eager to tell Soobin about the events that had just occurred yelled "Soobin, Soobin, you know? You know Soobin?"

Soobin never got to know because then a koala flew in with an alpaca. They turned into Namjoon and Jin respectively.

Jin bowed to Minho and Minho bowed to Jin, both respecting their Eomma-ness and how every group member was afraid of them.

Jin and Minho dragged all of their group members away with Jin taking care of TXT as well, since they were tired of the commotion.

Jeongin sobbed. "I still didn't get to be part of Minho and Jisung's party, goddammit."


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