Rubber Ducky that You?

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It was a fine morning when a certain Foive-year old chose to take a bath. Bang Chan was getting ready to take a said bath, however, his rubber duck was NOWHERE. How could he cleanse his body of the bad thoughts without it?

He shouted and ran through the house, literally naked because he had just come from the bathroom. Minho shielded Jeongin's eyes.

Bang Chan looked everywhere for his rubber ducky but it was nowhere to be found. He was extremely frustrated and started throwing a tantrum that he would lay on the floor until he got his rubber ducky.

Felix, Changbin and Jisung couldn't bear the sight anymore and started to search the entire house thoroughly.

To their surprise, they found a note in Hyunjin's cupboard that said: "I have kidnapped Rubber Ducky. If you want it back, follow the clues to find it, along with 5 gallons of mint chocolate ice cream.

Bang Chan, when he saw the note, was more than pissed. He quickly went to his closet, wore his Superman undies and set out on his quest to find his rubber ducky.

He jumped here and there around the house, desperate to find the rubber ducky, until he found another note with the first clue.

"YO SUPER CHAN, GET TF OFF MY WARDROBE" Seungmin was screaming as Bang Chan found the first note in Seungmin's cupboard.

"Rubber duck's life is coming to an end. You shouldn't have helped Yeonjun kidnap me
(See previous chapter) Now something worse than your track is coming towards you."

Bang Chan looked up just in time to see a fluffy bear being launched to him by a mysterious person in the window. However, it was thrown with so much force that the bear hit Bang Chan harder than a steel pipe and he fell off Seungmin's cupboard.

From inside the cupboard (closet) came Hyunjin, fully clothed in leather suits and leather pants.

"Wtf what are you doing Hyunjin?" Bang Chan asked.

Hyunjin blushed and turned around to look at him.

"You weren't supposed to see that," Hyunjin said

"What-?" Bang Chan started and before he could complete it, Hyunjin said something like "Thunda cross splitter attackeu" and suddenly, Bang Chan was now Tinky-Winky.

Bang Chan tried to talk but couldn't because he gasped when he saw a rubber ducky in Hyunjin's hand. Seungmin was eating his gummy worms and enjoying the drama.

Bang Chan tried to run with his little legs to snatch the toy from Hyunjin's hand, but he was faster than everyone and ran outside their house. Bang Chan was determined to get his rubber ducky back and turn Hyunjin into a ferret. He regained his powers from a dream about his previous life and wanted to try out his powers, and this was the perfect opportunity. He summoned his powers and turned himself into a... crow.

But not any ordinary crow! Bangchan was a tiny crow, and upon seeing his transformation, Hyunjin burst out laughing.

"You expect to beat me with THAT?!" The drama llama managed to get out between breaths. Chan continued to deadpan at him.

All of a sudden Chan flew at a high speed towards Hyunjin and started pecking him all over. His beak although tiny, was VERY sharp. Poor Hyunjin tried his best to shield himself from Chan but to no avail. He eventually gave up and tossed the rubber duck away iNtO tHe uKnOwN~

Then Chan flew in the other direction to look for his lost rubber duck but it was nowhere to be found.

Chan got very angry and swore that he would turn Hyunjin into a ferret at all costs.

Hyunjin however knew that Chan wouldn't leave him so he ran out of the dorm to the streets and to his favourite shop "tCh- hAiRbAnD" to hide himself.

This store was filled to the brim with hair bands and other drama llamas so Hyunjin fits right in.

However, Bang Chan knew that Hyunjin was a shape-shifting llama, so he went to the llama farm to find Hyunjin, but he wasn't there.

However, Hyunjin met the magical Llama fairy in the shop he was hiding in. He asked for the wish to become more powerful than Super Chan.

The Llama conversed with Hyunjin in his language and Hyunjin seemed to understand it.

"eh eh sebeka?" (Do you wanna become superior?)

"and" (yes)

"uake kOdbfk esdvfi ufudvo kdbhs hsgfa ok?" (Go down the road, you will find a ditch and say the secret word which will make you powerful, OK?)

"ajibbj ihsbh!" (ok thank you!)

Hyunjin ran with his super speed trying not to get caught by Bang Chan the crow. He found a ditch near a pole and thought that it must be it. He walked towards the ditch, knelt and started recalling the secret word. Then he whispered to the ditch "Oh mighty ditch, YOUR BEHAVIOR IS SO UGH". A sword emerged from the ditch and Hyunjin was mesmerized by just looking at it. Bang Chan the crow, had witnessed all of this and he was more mad at Hyunjin.

Hyunjin screamed and pulled the sword, aiming it toward Bang Chan. He ran faster and faster. The crow couldn't move, he too was mesmerized by the sword.

It was just an inch away from his chest before-

"GAH!" Bang Chan sat up in his bed. He breathed heavily for a minute before running to the bathroom and hugging his rubber Ducky.

"Rubber Ducky, you'll be the one, you're always the one," Bang Chan said to himself.

"YAH WHAT ABT ME, YOUR GODDAMN WIFE AND MOTHER OF STRAYKIDZ?" A scream was heard from his bed, which was, of course, Minho.




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