The Sassy Five Pt.2

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But when the sun rose, the dorms of TXT, BTS, SVT, EN- and SKZ were in a mess. It turned out that Beomgyu, Sunoo, Jimin, Hyunjin and Minghao disappeared at sunrise. Where S.Coups was bawling his eyes out that maybe he scared Minghao so much that Minghao decided to leave the dorms.

RM and Jin in the BTS dorms were terrified that maybe a saesang had kidnapped Jimin, in the EN- dorms, everyone was shocked that maybe Sunoo got lost in the streets for being tiny and in The SKZ dorms, everyone was extremely scared and thought that maybe Hyunjin got lost in a hairband store.

The TXT dorm was in an utter panic. Not only had Beomgyu disappeared but so had Yeonjun.


Hyunjin woke up in a cave next to the other four sassy kings. He gasped most dramatically. "WAKE UP BITCHES" This was of course met with many groans. It was a little too early for pretty much everyone. Even though they were kidnapped in a cave, they still needed their beauty sleep.

But unfortunately, they had NO idea that they were KIDNAPPED in a CAVE. To them, their comfy bed was just acting up a bit or probably, their Hyungs had changed their mattresses.

"You literally couldn't find a more comfy cave kidnapper?" Beomgyu groaned. Out of the shadows stepped their kidnapper...


"Oh, we're so surprised." Minghao rolled his eyes and kicked Hyunjin away because he was making too much noise. "I'm going back to sleep now."

"I do not care that you're older than me, you shall NOT give me that attitude. Do not forget that I have KIDNAPPED you, not taken you out for a little stroll." Yeonjun sassed Minghao.

"Oh, My GaWd WhAt aM I goNnA dO? YeOnjUn HaS KiDnApPeD Me-" Minghao mocked and scoffed. Yeonjun's eyes widened at the audacity of the boys. He looked over at the scene once again and declared that it was not the one he was hoping to see.

Jimin was asleep like a dead person on a rock beside Sunoo, snoring loudly. Hyunjin was well, checking out his phone and posing for selfies. Minghao was asleep on the floor of the cave, snoring as well.

Beomgyu was asleep too, muttering something like "Barbie... Yihih"

"Hashtag got kidnapped ugh Hashtag Yeonjun such a dead-ass Hashtag it's not that deep," Hyunjin said as he posted the photos to Instagram, immediately flooding with comments like:
"BRO did Yeonjun seriously kidnap him."
"NAH he just got lost in the hairband store"

Yeonjun had wanted a terrified expression. He was just met with five sassy humans who thought it was fun being kidnapped.

Jimin finally awoke with a start. "YO, this rock floor is uncomfortable AF. Who put this here?"

Jimin turned his head to Yeonjun. "Sup Dongsaeng."

Yeonjun was trying hard not to scream out of frustration when a mysterious figure came in. She had a mask and was watching all of them.

Beomgyu was lazily opening his eyes. "Woahh you look a lot like Bai-"

Hyunjin cut him off by taking another selfie. "OMG UR HAIRBAND IS SO SLAY GURLIE"

The girl with the mask got excited over the compliment and squealed "OH MY GIRD THANK YOU BESTIE!"

"Wait you even sound a lot like Barbiehiyyih" Beomgyu muttered.

"Oh, mY GaWd Beomgyu can you at least TRY to get my name correct on the first try? Honestly feels like you're doing it on purpose." Bahiyyih rolled her eyes at Beomgyu.

"Oh my GaWd I would NEVER try to get your name wrong on purpose I SWEAR! You just so slay I keep calling you Barbie for it." Beomgyu winked at her.

"SHUT UP You idiot bear!!" Bahiyyih snapped. Beomgyu was going rebel back but Yeonjun cut him off-

"Stop this nuisance! I didn't kidnap you all so that all of you can make a ruckus here!!" Yeonjun screamed.

"No, YOU shut up. I have had enough of this. I simply CANNOT believe you put us here in this ugly cave for SUCH a stupid reason. Like, make the reason make sense at least. You're honestly being such a baby." Sunoo sassily rolled his eyes, before the other four followed suit. The amount of eye-rolls was too much for Yeon-jun, who then fell to his knees.

"Yeah, if you had confessed to Soobin, then he would accepted you," Sunoo said, a smirk growing on his face.

Yeonjun however, started having second thoughts about this whole matter. He had decided to kidnap five people who thought it was okay to be kidnapped. Yeonjun decided he certainly wasn't gonna win against them and fell to the ground mumbling, "I give up."

Bahiyyih was stunned at the sight before her eyes and also gave up. The five gathered around the five and started thinking.

"Hey, let's drag them to that house we saw before," Minghao said. "What house?" asked Jimin. "Oh it's a house just a little bit behind the cave, I saw it when Yeon-never-gonna-get-Soobin was dragging us here."

Beomgyu, Sunoo, Jimin, and Hyunjin's eyes lit up with mischief. "Let's start dragging, boys." Hyunjin declared.

And that is how a fainted Bahiyyih was on Beomgyu the Bear's back, and a creature with blue hair known as a "Yeonjun" or simply put by Minghao, "Yeon-never-gonna-get-Soobin" was on Minghao's back and the other three urging them and motivating them.

"LET'S GO MINGHAO, YES! I'LL GIVE YOU TAEHYUNG'S GUCCI BAG, LET'S GO!" Jimin shouted. How the people were unaware of what was to come. 

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