First Encounter After The Spring Break

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After getting back from break to school, Ricky thought it would be hard seeing Nini again, and hoped she wouldn't show up to the practice. But of course, she would, she was even in the video the theatre group had made. He had cold feet showing up at the last second and just when he turned around to ditch the practice, he encountered Gina.

Ricky: Oh, hey G...

Gina: Hey there...(She said, feeling a little awkward.) Where are you going? The practice is gonna start in a minute?

Ricky: I was just... Oh, I don't know if...

Gina: What's going on?

She of course still felt weird around him. She had drawn the line about him talking to her about Nini and was starting to move on from him. Maybe a little talk can help me act more normal around him though, she thought.

Ricky: I just don't wanna see someone right now... (He said while looking around all the time.)

Gina: You mean Nini? 

Ricky looked at her instantly.

Gina: Yeah... We heard about it... 

Ricky looked bummed.

Ricky: I... I don't know if I can see her right now... I'm sorry, I know you don't wanna talk about these...

Gina: It's okay, I get it. I'm sorry you two couldn't work it out.

Ricky: Yeah...

Gina: But... That isn't a reason to run away from theatre, is it? It helps us to let it all out. If not, I think that's probably what you need the most right now. Do what makes you happy, remember?

She wanted to touch his shoulder but kept herself a distance from him, she still was mad he was dismissive towards her all semester.

Ricky: Yeah, I guess you are right. Thanks, G, really, you always find a way to get me back into the theatre. (He chuckled nervously.)

Gina: Yeah, that's what theatre kids do, right?

Ricky: Yeah, I guess. Oh, and I saw the video you guys made on the spring break. You were all awesome! I'm guessing you did the choreography?

Gina: Oh yeah! I was at the airport and my flight got postponed, I had tons of time...

Ricky: Well, I wouldn't expect less from you, of course. (He smiled.)

Gina was confused that Ricky was nice again towards her. She suddenly heard someone calling her and turned around. It was EJ.

EJ: Hey Gina! (He walked towards her.) What up?

Gina: Oh, hey EJ! (She hugged him.) We were just heading to the practice.

EJ: Oh, hey Ricky. (EJ put on a cold smile.)

Ricky: Hey... dude. (He felt kind of irritated EJ showed up while they were talking.) Oh actually, I need a minute before coming. You two go without me?

Gina: Oh, okay. (Gina was puzzled that he changed his mind all of a sudden). See you there, then.

Ricky: Yeah, see you Gina... And EJ... of course!

Ricky left them and walked in the opposite direction. Gina looked back at him, wondering what was going on. But then looked at EJ, smiled, and then they headed towards the practice.

Ricky was just walking aimlessly, not knowing where to go. He just wanted to get out of there. He felt like he could talk to no one now. Nini, of course not, because she was already doing so well without him. And now Gina, either, because she was hanging out with EJ and Ricky hadn't been the best kind of friend towards her lately. While he was out in his mind, he heard someone yell: "Ricky!"

He turned around. It was Ms. Jen.

Jen: Are you okay?

Ricky couldn't understand what was going on at that moment, his mind went blank.

Ricky: Um, I don't... I don't know.

Jen: I am going to the practice, maybe you would like to join me? We can talk on the way?

Her eyes were shining with empathy. Ricky hesitated but then accepted the offer.

Ricky: Yeah, I guess we can. But I don't know if I want to talk...

Jen: It's okay, Ricky. We don't need to do anything you don't want to. The theatre is a safe space.

She touched his shoulder for comfort and smiled at him. Ricky smiled back.

Ricky: Okay, then.

And then they walked together towards the practice. It was going to be an awkward day, but also maybe a new beginning. 

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