The Unexpected Advice

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Gina's brother had told EJ they were seeing him as her older brother. EJ wasn't sure what he had with Gina, and he liked him and cared for her. Even though he had feelings for her, after his talk with his brother, he had thought that she needed a friend more than a romantic partner at that moment.

Gina: Hey EJ! (She had dressed up for the date and was so excited.) Ready for risotto?

EJ didn't know what to tell her.

EJ: Hey Gina! Maybe we should join others tonight, don't you think? For the celebration? We can have risotto later, some other time?

EJ needed some time to think before he said anything to her and understood how he should behave towards her. Gina was confused.

Gina: Umm, okay I guess? We already rescheduled it though! Are we gonna do it again? And I had gotten ready...

EJ: It doesn't hurt to wait for a bit, does it?

Her smile faded. She was disappointed. She couldn't really understand why EJ was doing this.

Gina: It's all fine, really! See you at Denny's, then?

And then she walked away fast, trying to hide tears from coming out of her eyes. EJ then turned around, not knowing what to do.

(Then, switch to Ricky and Ms. Jen talking, the "Second Chance" scene and the song.)

While Ricky was walking in the corridors, he ran into  EJ. He was walking furiously, disappointed.

Ricky: Hey, EJ... (He didn't really know what to say to him). You look upset. You okay, man?

EJ: Dude, no offense, but I think you are the last person I wanna talk to right now... (He said madly, walking away.)

Ricky: Hey, look! (Ricky shouted.) I'm sorry, okay? I know I haven't been the best to you.

EJ stopped, without turning around. He was taking fast and furious breaths.

Ricky: I haven't been the best to anyone lately, actually. I was in over my head. It's a hard time for me...

EJ: It's always the hardest time for you, Bowen. You are not the only one with problems, dude. (He turned around and burst.)

Ricky: I... I know, you're right.

He felt bad that he was being selfish towards everyone and always making excuses about his problems.

Ricky: It just can be too much sometimes, you know? (EJ huffed teaslingly.) Maybe I should listen a little more though. What is up with you?

EJ: I... I don't know dude. (He first hesitated to talk but then couldn't hold it in.) I mean it was going well with Gina and then his brother comes up all of a sudden and tells me her family sees me as a brother figure? What the heck is that about? What position does that put me in? Does she see me like that, or does she need that? We were gonna get risotto later and I canceled but I don't know what I'm doing. Why am I telling you this...

Ricky: Wait, you guys were gonna get risotto?

EJ: Yeah, we were, tonight. But I just canceled with her, and couldn't tell her why.

Ricky: Why didn't you tell her? You don't even know what she feels, that's only something her brother said...

EJ: I don't know, I panicked and didn't know what to do.

EJ was on edge and feeling nervous. He had sensed that Gina liked Ricky before and didn't even wanna tell him about all this. But Ricky has to see that we have something with Gina and he gotta back off, EJ thought.

Ricky didn't know what to say. But he knew he hurt Gina this semester more than he had to, going to her for advice about Nini after what she confessed in the opening night of HSM, and completely ignoring her to fix things with Nini. He knew she didn't deserve that, and wanted her to be happy.

Ricky: I think you have to tell her how you feel. Besides, you don't know what she feels.

EJ: I don't know...

Ricky: Dude, my relationship just fell apart because we didn't tell each other what we felt. I wouldn't wish that to happen to anyone. If you at least have a chance to be happy, take it. Don't blow it before it can even start. (He sighed.) 

EJ was skeptical but surprised. He never liked Ricky, because he always was onto Nini when she and EJ were dating, and he knew he had a thing with Gina before, too. But it felt like something was different.

EJ: I guess... you are right. I already blew it with someone because I went from their back... She deserves to know how I feel, I guess? Thanks... man. (He bumped his fist on Ricky's shoulder gently, and chuckled.)

Ricky: Yeah, no problem. Have a nice date?

Ricky felt weird giving EJ advice about Gina. It was like letting go of something he wasn't sure was what. But he didn't know if it was the best for him to go try and be close to her right now when he was barely holding it together. Maybe EJ can make her happy, he thought.

EJ smiled and started walking away. And suddenly turned around, remembering something.

EJ: Oh, and I'm sorry it didn't work out between you and...

Ricky: That's okay. (He cut his sentence.) It was for the best for both of us.

EJ beamed and then turned back to walk away. Ricky stared while he walked away. I hope it goes well with them.

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