Season 4 - A New Semester

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It was the end of the summer break. Everyone was getting back to school. Ricky was nervous. There was going to be a drama club meeting after school. I wonder what will happen when I see Gina, he thought. They hadn't talked for a month after the camp before the school or they hadn't seen each other. 

Gina was thinking about the same thing. She thought it had been good spending a month alone and she felt like she was in a good place. She was so nervous about how things were gonna play out when she saw Ricky.

Just when they both were thinking about it, they bumped into each other in the hallway.

Ricky & Gina: Oh, hey! (They both said simultaneously.) Where were you going? To the theatre. (They kept on talking at the same time and then giggled weirdly.)

Ricky gestured to her by showing her the way and letting her walk in front of him.

Gina: Thank you. (She smiled and walked in front. ) So, what do you think we will do this year? (She was trying to dissipate the awkwardness.)

Ricky: Well, I'm expecting High School Musical 3,  just an instinct... And I would love to play Troy for one last time before I leave... (He smiled bittersweetly.)

Gina: Oh yeah, it's your last musical! How do you feel about that?

Ricky: Well, I feel like... It's gonna be really hard this year, saying goodbye. It's like I will be leaving my family behind... 

He looked at Gina and then looked away. Then Gina looked at him.

Gina: Yeah, that must be hard. I can't even remember who I was like before this place. It's my home, too.

There had been a moment of silence.

Ricky: Okay... In the camp... I'm so sorry I kissed you abruptly like that. I shouldn't have that. It was wrong for me, I didn't even ask you if you wanted that. But I wouldn't want things to be awkward between us. Can we actually start fresh this time?

Gina smiled. It had relieved her that he opened up the topic.

Gina: I accept your apology. I think we can try. I mean we used to be get along well, didn't we? After all this mess...

Ricky: Yeah. (He smiled.) I'm glad you're okay, because I wouldn't wanna be on bad terms with you in my last year.

They smiled at each other and walked towards the practice together.


Ms. Jen had just announced that they would be doing High School Musical 3 for the musical this year. Everyone was cheering.

Ms. Jen: We will be holding out the auditions tomorrow in the theatre. Everyone, practice the parts you wanna audition well! We can have new faces this year!

Gina turned towards Ricky.

Gina: Hey! Your instincts are so on point, maybe you can tell me which part I'm gonna get...

Ricky: Well, I think we don't need my instincts to guess that. You can get any role you put your mind into!

Gina: (She smiled.) I'm so excited to be Gabriella this time!

Ricky: Hey, I just had the craziest idea... (He was forming an opinion but not sure to propose it.) But... Never mind...

Gina: What is it?

Ricky was afraid it was too soon but still went for it.

Ricky: I was gonna ask maybe if you would want to audition... together?

Gina: Together?

Ricky: Yeah... You know, I was thinking, "Can I Have This Dance?" would blow everyone away but I need a Gabriella for that, and someone to teach me how to dance that well...

Ricky gulped. I hope this is not so fast, he thought.

Gina: Well... I did audition with the girls before and it impresses people if you do it well. (She chuckled.) So, where can we practice?

Ricky: Well... My house is empty. I mean, there's my dad but you will not feel his soul in the house... We can head home right now if you want.

Gina: Well... Okay... But I'm a bit hungry. Should we grab something to eat first?

Ricky: Yeah, works fine for me!

And they went to a pizza place to grab something to eat while talking.

Second Chances ~ An Alternative Ricky & Gina (Rina) StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant