The Confession

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Next day, before their departure, Corbin Bleu came back to the camp. They had prepared a little trailer before the documentary coming out. It was for early publicity. They gathered everyone to the theatre to show the preview.


Everyone was in shock, as the clip was prepared in a way that made it seem they all hated each other. They had edited all the wrong parts to make everything dramatic and complicated. Everyone left one by one until the only ones left were Corbin Bleu, EJ, Gina, and Ricky.

EJ: I think we all saw this coming, you guys. (He sighed.) This is show business. (And then he left.)

Corbin Bleu: This was exactly what happened when HSM first came out. Everything is gonna turn out fine... I hope. (And then he left the theatre.)

Gina and Ricky were the only ones left. Gina was in shock, as she had seen Ricky's confession behind the bushes.

Gina: Did you really say that? To Carlos?

Ricky: Well... Yes, I mean... 

Gina: Why didn't you say it to my face?

Ricky: I mean, I was gonna tell it to you but I learned you and EJ broke up and I didn't wanna overwhelm you... But I don't think I can hide anymore so I'm gonna come clean. (He readied himself and finally decided to tell the whole truth, closed his eyes.) I knew about the chocolates. (Still not opening his eyes.)

Gina's eyes widened. Is he talking about Valentine's Day?

Gina: What?

Ricky: They were not technically from me, but I made sure it happened. (He sighed.) I asked Ashlyn if she got your mom's number and told her you hadn't gotten your teddy bear from your mom and that it would be nice if she could arrange something. Apparently, your mom thought you would love a box of chocolates. I wanted to be the one to give it to you but... I told Ashlyn not to tell you anything...

Gina: Ricky, I mean...

Ricky: I feel awful I acted like I had no part in it. I didn't wanna confuse you... I mean, all I meant was to make you happy. I cared about you, Gina. I still do. But I was the worst at showing it. (His heart was pounding so fast, and so was Gina's.)

Gina wasn't expecting this. It felt so weird. She wanted to be happy about him finally telling all this, but something was bothering her.

Gina: I feel like... I feel like the second option.

Ricky: What? (He looked confused.)

Gina: I mean... When you got back together with Nini, you acted like nothing had happened between us. You even kept on asking me for advice while you were together. Even after our talk on HSM opening night... Do you have any idea how hard it was to open up to you like that and then stay to see you with Nini all the time? How long it took you to get back together with her after our talk, really?

Ricky: We had gotten back together before our talk... 

Gina: (She looked at him unbelievingly.) Well, I guess it didn't mean anything to you...

Ricky: Hey, of course it meant something to me. I just thought you were gone forever, Gina. And you avoided me, remember? You left Thanksgiving telling me there was no point in calling you, but I still did, texted you, and you didn't respond until a few days before the show. I couldn't even reach you... I even learned you were back for the show when you were on stage! 

Gina: Yeah, I avoided you because it was already too hard moving away, I thought it would be harder if we stayed in touch...

Ricky: I know, Gina. I get it. You know my parents were splitting up at the time. It was hard for me that you were moving away and I was losing for you, too. I just looked for a crutch and that's why I went to Nini. I don't know what would have happened if I knew you were staying...

She took a deep breath and they looked into each other's eyes without talking.

Gina: What would have happened?

At that moment, Ricky stepped forward and kissed her. And then stepped back.

Ricky: Probably this.

Gina actually liked the kiss, but she felt like she was betraying EJ.

Gina: No, this is wrong... We just broke up with EJ... I can't do this.

Then she stormed off and Ricky looked behind her back, sighing. I screwed up so bad, he thought.

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