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Bosco had a really bad habit of falling asleep at her desk. No matter how many cans of red bull she chugged, she always somehow ended up face down in her textbook with a pen still in her hand and her laptop remaining open.

This morning was no exception. Bosco had been taking notes on astrophysics in an attempt to prepare for her upcoming midterm, but had fallen asleep around 4am. Her roommate was very used to this.

"Bosco?" Camden stood in the doorway, knocking on the wall in an attempt to wake her.

Her attempt failed. Bosco remained fast asleep. Camden shook her head and walked over, laying a hand on her shoulder and shaking. "Bosco?"

Bosco jumped awake, yelping when she hit her head on her desk lamp that had been positioned over her textbook. She groaned, rubbing the back of her head. "I'm up, I'm up."

"We've talked about how bad sleeping like this is for your neck and back." Camden said, closing her laptop for her. "Didn't you set an alarm like I told you to? To remind you to get into bed?"

Bosco sighed, standing up from her desk on stiff legs. "I'll do that tonight, I swear..."

Camden was Bosco's mom friend. She was actually Bosco's only friend, but she didn't talk about that very much. The psychology major had been her roommate for about a year, and living with Bosco allowed her to see a different side of her. The side of her that got so caught up in studying that she'd forget to take care of herself. The side of her that locked herself away in her room whenever something upset her. The side of her that went numb and got upset if she didn't think she was pushing herself hard enough.

Which is why she was so nervous about today.

"Rosé's gonna be here in an hour. We're going to try to get most of my stuff out of here today." She said, watching as Bosco smoothed out her hair in her bedroom mirror. "You posted that ad, right?"

Bosco nodded, rubbing her tired eyes. "Yeah. I feel like it sounds awkward though. Like 'hey. My coffee shop job doesn't pay me enough to live on my own. Please live with me to help' is basically what it's saying."

"It's not awkward, Bosco. It's perfectly normal." Camden absent-mindedly picked up a few shirts and tossed them onto the pile in the corner of her friend's room. It was getting messy again. That's how she knew she was worrying about grades and tests. "You're...not upset about me moving out, are you?"

Bosco sighed. "We've had this conversation so many times, Cam. I'm not upset. I'm not mad. I think it's nice that you and Rosé are ready to have your own place together."

"Yeah, but I don't want you to y'know, feel abandoned or anything like that." Camden closed the notebook on Bosco's desk and put it back in the pile of other notebooks.

She knew she was really Bosco's only friend. The other girl used to get out and socialize more, but it had been years since then. Getting her to go out to parties or even just to a study group was absolute hell. Camden didn't really understand why, but she still did her best to help.

"I don't feel that way. I promise." Bosco said, sitting on her bed and resting her head in her hands. "You really don't need to worry about me."

But Camden did worry about her. She worried about her a lot. "Just...please try to take care of yourself." She said. "Remember that whiteboard we found? To write out a schedule to help you? Maybe we can fill that out before I leave."

Bosco just nodded a little, her sleepiness returning. Camden noticed, giving her shoulder a gentle nudge.

"Lay down for now. Try to rest some more." She said softly. "There's still time before Rosé gets here."

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