Chapter Fifteen

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The evening was surprisingly warm as Kennedy lowered her car window, a fresh breeze passed her as she swiftly pressed the buzzer button, ruffling her loose blond hair. Soon static sound appeared as she observed Herondale's mansion.

Behind the black metal fence and gates stood a huge house with white trim around the black roof, the exterior remained black and white as well. Seemed the Herondales stayed with the classic look as the house hasn't changed in the last ten years. Even with a poorly lit porch light, Kennedy remembered the space well.

"How can I help you?" A womanly voice appeared from the box near the gate.

"I would like to speak with John."

"Mister Herondale don't accept visitors in such late hours. Have a great evening miss."

"Wait," Kennedy yelled, reaching the speaker from instinct. "Tell him Kennedy Black is here to see him."

The static sound appeared once more and after a few moments Kennedy prepared to leave and shifted her car into reverse but suddenly the gates in front of her moved. She sighed in relief and soon steered onto the dimly lit court. Tall oak trees swayed painting creepy shadows on the gray pavement. Kennedy parked the car in front of the white stairs and inhaled deeply.

She climbed out of the car, adjusted her black leather jacket, and climbed up the stairs. Huge doors swung open before she could knock, and she could see John standing in the doorway. She smirked, tucking her hair behind the ear, John seemed eager to see her.

As far as she could remember he greeted just the most important guests. She guessed he expected Helena talked to her, and Kennedy arrived to rejoin the Coven. It felt almost tragic to wipe his vast smile with the conversation Kennedy rehearsed on the drive there, but she knew telling John the truth was the best option to get Dylan back.

"Kennedy," he greeted her, stretching out his arms. "What a wonderful surprise." He loosely hugged her waist, lightly kissing her cheek.

"Should I still call you Mister Herondale or John is fine?" Kennedy asked, smiling widely.

"It was you who insisted on calling me Mister Herondale," he reminded her. "Come in." He guided Kennedy inside, closing the door behind them. "You can call me whatever you want. Let's go to my study to chat."

Kennedy lightly nodded, following him to the sitting room and soon they reached the study, John opened the door, letting Kennedy walk past him. The door closed with a hushed thud as she observed the space.

The study used to be no kids zone, therefore Kennedy never visited this room. She recalled the coven held meetings here, in their teenage years the group tried to listen outside the door countless times, but the door seemed so firm that no sound could be detected.

That fact worked in Kennedy's favor this time, she wasn't sure how to approach the topic, so she cleared her throat sitting in front of a dark oak table. John rested in front of her, and it seemed to keep the focus as she observed his eyes.

"I'm so glad you decided to come," he said, resting his elbow on the table. "You know I was at the funeral today, but Helena dragged me out from the church." His vast smile vanished and it seemed apparent he thought about Dylan. "Well, I guess she talked to you at the more appropriate time."

"Actually no, I saw you at the church and just then I realized I needed to talk to you," Kennedy leaned back, relaxing her spine into the chair backrest. John nodded, giving permission for her to continue talking. "I'm not sure where to start John."

"You were always a smart girl Kenned, I admired your wit back when you dated my son, and you never seemed tung-tied."

"This is about Hayden, in a way," she paused, observing John. "And Dylan."

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