ch 3🍁

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"Woah man never been as tired as today" Joyan said as he sat down in his chair.

"True, Huya is in even worse condition he got loose motions cause of eating too much and also different varieties" Moya said and took a sip from water bottle.

"Hey guys, where is tae i didn't saw him anywhere in the company" Suyako said.

"I didn't too, babe give me water too" Joyan said.

Well tae's team have total of 5 people including him, i.e Joyan, Suyako, Moya, Huya and tae.

"I swear I am never gonna have those dumplings ever in my life, they ruined my stomach system" Huya said while coming inside the cabin.

They were just mingling among themselves, when tae entered the place and everyone became silent.

"So everyone how was it, did you get anything special" Tae asked.

"Trust me tae, we damn tried you won't believe we maybe visited 15 to more restaurants today but not even a single taste that could make you be crazy" Moya said.

Tae took a deep breath and his focus went towards Huya who seemed uncomfortable on his seat.

"Are you okay Huya, what happened to you" Tae asked. "Nothing much but those damn dumplings got me loose motions and i think this is my time to give a visit to the toilet again" Huya said and left from there.

Tae felt bad for his fellow colleague. "Btw tae did you find anyone" Suyako asked.

Tae shook his head and laid it on his desk.

They were all thinking about what they should do and eventually they decided to search for best restaurants and food in the city on internet and than visiting there for their research.

They divided themselves into teams and so Joyan and Moya, Suyako and Hayu and tae went alone.

They have decided to first visit these places and then if they are still not satisfied than they will be searching in other pattern.

From afternoon it was evening, they all had a hard day. Even though this time they knew how to do the research, as they preferred to go and tell them about their research and get to do the tasting instead of being a customer.

And so without anymore of loose motions, they were back in the company with exhausted faces and body.

"How was it guys any progress" Tae asked them.

They all shook their heads in denial and Joyan said "it is way more difficult than it seems, trust me we should rather do a competition for best chef and be done with".

"You are right Joyan but than they will make their best dishes and we don't want a perfectionist we want a person with talent, skills, who is born with the blessing of cooking" Tae explained him and they all sighed.

"Anyways, guys it's already too much work, so let's take our leave and go home, we still got a long way to go" Tae said and everyone tiredly packed their stuff and left the office.

Tae was worried but he had wished for the best and it is now to see what will happen.


"Huh...... another tiring day, but nothing to say...." Huya said and lazily sat on his chair.

"What do you mean" Moya asked. "I mean we spent another day searching for a chef buy still got nothing".

Everyone were again back in the cabin after spending their whole day going from one place to another searching for chef but got nothing.

Tae was sitting on his seat while his face was burried in his hands.

"What are we gonna do now, we don't have many days left" Joyan said.

"I think we should just give up now, we don't have any other option left and think of another plan" Suyako said.

"No we still have a few days, we can do it. Umm maybe" Moya said and whispered the last words.

"We plan on something else tomorrow, for now let's just go home" Tae said and stood up from his desk taking his things.

He was not in a good mood for sure, he so badly wanted to do this project, it will help people with nice skills to think on a big scale but nothing is happening.

He reached his home with a sour mood and so that's why he didn't reacted when he was attacked with a bear hug once he was inside his house.

"I missed you soo much taehyung-ah" Jimin soulmate of tae said while squeezing tae in the hug.

Once he pulled apart he sqeezed his cheeks and gave him his eye smile, looking at which tae can't control himself and smiled too. Of course he missed his mochi soo much too.

"Hmm go get fresh and after having dinner tell me what happened to you that you look so upset" Jimin said and went in the kitchen to set up dinner.

Tae smiled and went in his room, of course his soulmate knew him too well to ignore that he was upset.

After having dinner both the soulmates were sitting on the balcony chair.

"So tell me" Jimin said and so tae told him everything.

"Yaah paboya you could have told me before about this, I would have helped you wayyyy before".

Tae was confused but also excited, "what do you mean jiminie".

"I know  a restaurant whose food is just damn, I swear you are gonna love it , we will go there tomorrow".

"Really jimin" Tae asked and jimin nodded his head.

Tae gave his biggest boxy smile and hugged jimin tightly. "You are a life savior, jimin-ah saranghae". (I remembered kook's mom here)

Jimin smiled and hugged his soulmate tightly.

Tae had the best sleep in couple of days that night, he slept peacefully.

     🍂 _________________________🍂






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