Chapter 4

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It was my first victory. Well technically it was only a trial match, but I still considered it a win because I defeated an actual person in my first sex wrestle and it made me feel good.

Even Mū was excited about it. I was in my room getting dressed after a shower, smelling food being made in the kitchen. I came downstairs seeing him already busy stirring the pots and on my way there I looked at the photos on the wall. All images of him winning his own sex fights back in the day.

"Something smells nice," I said and entered the room. "What's the occasion?"

"You got into the tournament!" Mū exclaimed. "According to my book, that's a victory. It shows that you do at least have some back bone in there, I was worried you might fail."

"Ouch. Do you at least believe a little in your student?" I teased and walked to the fridge to grab the milk before filling up a glass.

"Haha, very funny! Anyway I have invited Nisan over for dinner. She is your manager now and I believe it would be ideal for you to get to know her first."

"About her...Do you think we can trust her?"

"Of course. She is a very loyal friend of mine. Used to help me while I was still in the old age home!"

I nodded and sipped from the glass of milk. Nisan didn't seem like such a bad person. I wondered if Mū told her about my true goal and again I doubted that. I trusted him and he wouldn't share that with her. Maybe he meant me getting to know her was a chance for me to reveal my true goal, but not anyone would take it well if you told them to help get you into a tournament which is part of your scheme to murder someone. I didn't plan just to murder him but that was my ultimate goal.

The doorbell rang and Mū grinned at me. "That must be her! Go on, welcome our guest!"

"Right on it!" I said and smirked. I still remembered how she walked in on me fucking that girl yesterday.

I headed to the door and then I opened the door. Nisan stood there dressed in a floral summer dress. Her long black hair tied into a bun on her head and her makeup done so well it was like staring at a beautiful Princess.

She saw me and her cheeks reddened. "König, Hi."

"Hey. Come on in!" I stepped aside letting her walk inside before I finished my glass of milk. I would've loved to dump my milk inside that voluptuous body.

Normally I would stop my mind from thinking that way of someone else but I was an alpha now and it felt so good having no shame in thinking like that.

She stood in the living room before she sat down. "Is Master Mū here?" she asked me and sniffed. "And what is that lovely smell?"

"Oh he's here! And that's the smell of one of his amazing and tasty dishes!"

"Get ready fellas. Dinner is almost ready!" Mū announced and Nisan got up heading to the dining room to set up the table.

I decided to be a gentleman and help her also more curious about how she knew Master Mū.

"So you met him at an old age home?" I asked her.

She looked at me, neatly folding some napkins and setting them out on the table. "Yes. My grandma used to live there and he was always there to tell her stories. That's how we met."

"Excuse me, but he doesn't particularly look like someone who came out of an old age home. Aren't those usually for old people that can't take care of themselves?"

"They are there once was a time when he couldn't take care of himself." She frowned at me. "I thought you knew the story? How it was his wife that secretly poisoned him with some medication which weakened him, in hopes that he dies and she takes all the inheritance."

"Wow!" I chuckled and threw a comment towards the kitchen. "And here I thought my life was hectic! Who would've thought the old man had so much drama in his life!"

"Oh shut up!" Mū scolded as he came out with the pots. "I was a fool, but thanks to Nisan over here she saw right through that witch's plan."

"Yep." Nisan added. "One day I volunteered to get his and my grandma's prescribed medication because the nurse at their station wasn't around. And then when I did get there some shady doc gave me Mū's pills and I immediately identified what was written on the package, was the scientific name for a poisonous toxin that slowly withers the body away from inside. He was in fact never terminally ill but poisoned. I told him and the whole time he pretended to take his medication and was recovering. I got some pals of mine to do the legal work and he finally got out of the old age home after proving he is strong and fit enough to be independent again and his wife got arrested for attempted murder and several other crimes!"

"Tsk! That witch isn't my wife!"

"You mean bitch?"

"Same thing!"

I couldn't help but laugh. This wasn't exactly something to laugh about but I never thought Mū's marriage life was so crazy and one of the most common serial killer stories where the wife murders the husband for his money.

"I guess I'll be careful who I marry next time!" I said and sat down. "Anyway, let's eat! Ever since I've become an alpha my appetite has risen tremendously!"

Nisan beamed and sat down and then we had dinner that night.

The following afternoon I got ready. Nisan already informed me everything. The tournament will take place at the Grand Babylon Arena. The event was a pretty huge thing. By the time I got there the place was crowded with people. I didn't know how to go in as I didn't have a ticket and I wasn't certain how I'd convince the security that I was a contestant and not an audience.

Luckily Nisan came out. "König! Over here!" She waved at me standing by the parking.

I rushed over to her and followed her to the back entrance. "So where are we going first?"

"All sixteen wrestlers will be gathered inside the main arena before it begins. Usually there is a grand opening ceremony being held like how they do at the beginning of the Olympics."

"I see. Will Clint Gurrow be there?"

"Of course he'll be there!"


"Great stuff! Then let's hurry!"

"Wait!" She stopped at the door and I nearly bumped into her.

"What?" I asked her.

"You'll need this." She handed me a card.

"Stick this or tag this somewhere on your shirt or around your neck. It has your wrestler number on it, that way it will verify that you qualify to be here. You'll also be fighting in round one."

"Wow, already?" I took the card. It had the number 069 on, just like back at the trials. "Okay let's do this!"

Nisan nodded and opened the door letting me inside. I walked down one dark long ass hallway and at the end a bright light waiting.

We entered the arena which was one massive place. In the middle was the round sand pit and several other wrestlers were gathered there, waiting.

I walked inside and a few gave me glares and looks while my head was elsewhere. I was looking for him.

Eventually the star of the show did finally make an appearance, standing at the far back on a stage with the spotlight shining on him. Dressed in his blue suit and smiling from ear to ear with his yellow teeth.

"Welcome, my fellow champions!" Clint Gurrow greeted with a smile.

That was my target. He was the one.

König: The Tournament Of Lust Series 1Where stories live. Discover now