iv ━━━ name day

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☄. *. ⋆┊ chapter four

 ⋆┊ chapter four

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In the cozy confines of their tent, Daenerys prepared to tuck in her twins, Rhaego and Rhaenys, for the night. Each had their own bed, slightly separated to allow them some personal space.

Daenerys smiled as she approached Rhaego's bed, intending to tuck him in. But Rhaego crossed his arms and protested, "Mother, I'm not a baby anymore. I don't need to be tucked in."

Daenerys chuckled affectionately, understanding her son's desire for independence. "Alright, my brave Rhaego," she said, "But you know I'll always be here if you need me."

Rhaego nodded, a hint of pride in his eyes. "I know, Mother," he replied, "But I'm old enough now."

Daenerys then moved to Rhaenys's bed, where her daughter eagerly awaited the comforting embrace of being tucked in. Rhaenys smiled up at her mother, her eyes shining with affection.

"I'll never get tired of this, Mother," Rhaenys said sweetly, "I like being tucked in."

Rhaego couldn't resist chiming in with a playful tease. "Of course, you do. You always like being babied," he said, earning an annoyed look from Rhaenys.

"I do not!" Rhaenys retorted, sticking out her tongue at her brother.

"Alright, that's enough, you two," Daenerys interjected, trying to suppress her laughter at their bickering. "It's time for bed."

As Daenerys tucked Rhaenys into her bed, Rhaego's curious mind was filled with questions about the dragon eggs he had seen their mother keep.

"Mother, do you think the dragon eggs will turn into dragons someday?" Rhaego asked with a glimmer of hope in his eyes, his silver hair shining under the soft glow of the candles.

Daenerys hesitated for a moment, thinking of how to respond to her son's question. "Well, my brave Rhaego," she began, "they were given to me as a gift, but it's uncertain if they will hatch into dragons. They have been dormant for a long time, and some believe they may be just fossils now."

Rhaenys looked disappointed, but she held onto a hint of wonder. "But wouldn't it be amazing if they did hatch?" she asked.

"It would be truly extraordinary, my little star," Daenerys replied, "but we will have to wait and see."

Rhaenys settled down, while Rhaego sighed. But as Daenerys kissed each of them goodnight, she could see the bond between her twins shining through, their playful bickering just another expression of their sibling love.

"Sleep well, my little stars," Daenerys whispered, "May your dreams be filled with wonders."

As she left the tent, she couldn't help but feel grateful for the precious moments she spent with her children, each one unique and cherished in its own way. Rhaego and Rhaenys, in their own spirited personalities, brought joy and love to her heart, making her feel blessed to be their mother.


After a few months, where Daenerys name day approached. Daenerys woke up to the sound of excitement and giggles. It was her name day, and she knew that her twins, Rhaego and Rhaenys, were up to something special. As she stepped out of her bed, Rhaego appeared with a beaming smile.

"Happy name day, Mother!" Rhaego exclaimed, taking her hand. "We have a surprise for you!"

Rhaenys appeared, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "Yes, Mother," she chimed in, "Close your eyes, and we'll lead you to your seat."

Daenerys chuckled, playing along with their excitement. "Alright, my little stars," she said, closing her eyes obediently, "Lead the way."

With Rhaego guiding her, Daenerys was led to a seat, and Rhaenys instructed her to keep her eyes tightly shut. "No peeking, Mother!" Rhaenys warned, her voice was serious.

Finally, they gave her the signal to open her eyes. "You can open your eyes now, Mama!" Rhaenys announced.

When she did, she found Rhaenys with a leaf tied to her arms, shaped like dragon wings. Rhaego stood beside her, holding a wooden toy sword.

Rhaenys spoke with a touch of drama, "Today, we shall reenact the tale of Aegon the Conqueror, who rode Balerion the Black Dread."

Rhaego chimed in, "I am Aegon the Conqueror, and this is my great big dragon Balerion!" Rhaego pointed at his twin, "We will conquer all the lands and I'll be the king of the seven kingdoms!"

They began their play, acting out the tale with youthful enthusiasm. Rhaego pretended to ride on Balerion's back, while Rhaenys swished her "dragon wings" with gusto.

"Balerion, my fierce dragon! Forge all this swords that came from my enemies that I defeated and turn it into a throne!" Rhaego spoke with such drama while signalling Rhaenys to the pile of wooden swords.

Rhaenys beamed and flapped her arms or "dragon wings".

"RAAAA!" Rhaenys shouted, imitating a Dragon's roar to show that she is breathing fire, the act would make Daenerys burst into laughter but continued to watch her children's act.

Their performance was filled with laughter and joy, and Daenerys watched with amazement as her children took her on a magical journey through their imagination. They poured their hearts into the show, and Daenerys could not have been prouder.

"It's not over yet, Mama!" Rhaenys beamed, "We still have something for you!"

As the play reached its climax, Rhaenys and Rhaego presented their mother with a homemade pie they had prepared. It might not have been a culinary masterpiece, but Daenerys appreciated the effort and love put into it.

"Oh, my brave Aegon and fierce Balerion, thank you for the wonderful surprise," Daenerys said, pretending to savor the pie with a smile. "It's the most delicious pie I've ever tasted!"

Rhaego grinned, and Rhaenys beamed with pride. "You're welcome, Mother!" they said in unison.

The twins rushed to Daenerys side and gave her a big hug, feeling so happy that their mother liked their surprise.

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