Indiana Grohl and The Pol Stanlee's Wizard hut

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After recieving the silly lil news from silly lil vinvente sucano dave grohl appropriately dressed up. wearing his iconic minion thong and his cherry red gibson for ONLY the touch of Grohlbostians 

after getting prepped, grohl stepped into his Little Tykes Cozy Coupe. he drove round town until he saw it, RACK AND BROWS founded by A POL STANLEE and a BEAN RIBBONS so he drifted into the parking lot and walked inside.


Dave Grohl pushed the fat Mexican lady aside and walked over to the counter. "hello silly im here to see pol stanlee, please." "pol stanlee is in the back, fallow me." as dave grohl walked over to the back, he walked in an elevator, that led to a bridge, that led to a ladder, that led to stairs, that led to.... Pol stanlees room! as he got closer, he neeeded to find the vinventes hairline and he  confronts the stanlee. "hello stanlee, it is too late, tell me where to find silly vinvents hairline! i need it! he needs it! now tell me pol or i will do something we might regret!

"nuh uh" "i will fucking whoop your ass if you dont tell me where you crosseyed dyed your hair black grey haired lemonade scared pussy ass hair, now tell me where vinnies hairlines is or ill annihilate gene!" "okay okay! his hairline is at the rec center ask for the 7th locker! ask for the 7th Locker! please don't do anything to gene!" LIVE FROM NEW YORK, ITS SATURDAY NIGHT!

Stay tuned for more Indiana Grohl!

Indiana Grohl And The Missing vinnie's HairlineWhere stories live. Discover now