Indiana Grohl and the Very First

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"Oh, shit I remember something." Dave says. "Well what is it?" "C'mon spit it out asshole." "waskimicomeagaaahd" "I remember at the very first part, before this entire journey, before i met Krist again last month, Pol Stanlee told me about the rec center, in the town where Vinnie lives, Darkansas. He said something about a locker... It was aaaaaaaaaaaaa single digited locker, like, I think it was 6?" "Well Dave, what about 7?" "Oh shit yeah, dude he told me to ask for the 7th locker, and now that we got the hairline, the real hairline, hopefully, I just wanna wonder what was in that locker. This one's dated 05/04/19. That's 3 months ago." "Well if you wanna go there before giving Vinnie the hairline, we could." "Sure, why not." As they drive on and keep talking and chatting, they reach an intersection but Dave isn't looking, and a Ford f150 crashes right into them. Krist and Dave go flying flat on the sidewalk, leaving it looking as red as wine. Jotaro goes flying but lands through a window at a shop in the corner. Mustaine is unhurt, as he was skateboarding, while tethered to the car. A man exits the truck and aims a pistol at Grohl's face "no hard feelings, just a message from Pol Stanlee." Dave Mustaine pulls out a pistol and aims it at the man "EXCEPT ITS JUST GONNA BE A WORDED MESSAGE"

" Dave Mustaine pulls out a pistol and aims it at the man "EXCEPT ITS JUST GONNA BE A WORDED MESSAGE"

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A gun fires. Dave opens his eyes and sees the man on the floor, with a bullet in him.
"I am ever grateful to be your friend, Mustaine." "Killing is my business.... And business... Is good!"

"Your cool, dude

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"Your cool, dude." "It's my dutah! I as an American citizen have a right to defend his friends! Hooh rah!"

" "It's my dutah! I as an American citizen have a right to defend his friends! Hooh rah!"

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"Hey where's Jotaro anyway?" "In that window up there." "He's on the second freaking floor?" Dave and Mustaine run inside and run up the stairs, finding Jotaro, collapsed and appearing to be dead. "FIND A FUCKING PULSE, MUSTAINE!" Mustaine quickly runs over and checks on him, finding a small pulse
"It's small, but we can make it work. Call an ambulance!" Dave picks up his phone and suddenly Jotaro sits up "man that nap was good. Dave who you calling?" "Nobody. Nobody." "Waskimicomagahd, are you okay? That crash shoulda killed you!" "Dawg I got stabbed in the head by a gay vampire in the 80s." "Sounds like the 90s. Kurt would be happy during those times. Oh, how I miss him dearly." Dave and Mustaine pick Jotaro and drag him to the car "I added reinforced metal, so it still looks good. Hopefully." Jotaro's dragged in the car and Krist gets up and limps towards them "hey guys I'm still okay! My dick just scraped the floor, luckily my clothes slightly protected it." Everyone walks in the car and drives off to Darkansas, New York City. They reach a stop for gas on the way, New Port Gas Station. A corner store 300 miles just from Darkansas. Everyone walks in, Jotaro buys bandages, Dave buys gauze, Krist buys a tourniquet. Mustaine just buys a 12 pack of Megadeth Unibroue Beer. "What? Gotta support my own brand some how." A person walks behind the four and stabs Mustaine in the Back "FUCK SOMEONE STABBED ME!" Everyone looks back and sees a person running off "Krist, tend to him!" dave tackles the perpetrator like edge in Summerslam 2000 with jeff hardy. Dave tries to pull off the mask and succeeds, to reveal, the oen, the only....

ACE FREHLEY!!!!!!! "Ace, what the fuck are you doing?" "Don't kill me, i was sent by.. i was.." "Spit it the fuck out!" "I was sent by gene, by gene, dude" "how much did he pay you?" "10,000." "ill give you 20k if you join along with us." "okay, okay." Ace and Dave are back up again, and dave slowly pulls out a gun. "ace, you lead the way back." "ok." as the walk nearer and nearer, they are now 50 ft from the gas station. "wait, ace. let me tie my shoes." "you dont have laces, dave." "oh..." ace quickly turns around and pulls out a gun too. You were gonna kill me dave. i cant physically believe it. You'd kill your own friend."
A gun cocks.
"Well, acey. It seems you will now be the earthman, now."


"Did you just kill ace?" Krist says.
"Yeah. Yeah. I did." Dave walks over, a face of blood. "He needed to be gone. Krist you wouldn't have understood." "Well what in God's green earth couldn't I have understood? He was... A special guy. Bought me a case of whiskey in 1990. Before you were with us." "The past cannot change the future, Krist." "But it did. Out of 4 men who were good friends... Only 2 live." "Krist, shut up, 'fore I kill you too." "I fucking da-"


"You asshole, you real asshole. You just shot me! You really shot me. Wow. I've done everything I could. And yet I still face... A...."

Krist Novoselic is Dead by Dave Grohl's Bullet.

Ace Frehley is dead from Dave Grohl's Bullet.

"I... Can't believe it. I'm a murderer."
Dave hyperventilates before falling down. "I couldn't believe it. I'm just a glorified murderer." Dave picks the gun up to his chin,

Click, click, click

"WHY WONT YOU LET ME DIE?! YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE! YOU BITTER BITCH! AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" Dave Grohl throws his gun off to the side. "I have only one solution." Dave Grohl begins digging 3 holes. One for Ace, One for Krist, and One for Him. Dave drags Ace's body and buries him. Location is south of Darkansas, New York.
Dave pulls Krist to the grave.

"I can't believe I killed you- gyaahabgnt, hshajabysbamn, byaaaa!" Dave Grohl is getting Choked by Krist
"Dave your going too far! You will die if you keep this insanity!" "I need to die! Die! Die! Die!" "Death changes one but that don't make you self-righteous." Krist tosses Dave into the grave and walks towards the gas station. "Great. I'm stuck in a hole, and I'm next to the person I killed wrongfully." Dave hears slams and taps. "What the-" Dave is interrupted by Ace Frehley punching a hole through his grave and reaching up.

"Woo! Finally some fresh freaking air." "Ace! Help me outta here!" "Dave? No fuck you. You shot me in the shoulder and thought I died. Then you buried me. I'm leaving you to natures devices." "No, wait! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Dave starts pulling sand down from his grave to make a sandy ramp up. "I'm sorry! Really! I'm sorry!" "You won't be forgiven the next time. So I'll forgive you this time. I'll be on my way. You get your wayward ass and fuck off." Ace quickly pulls Dave up.

4 hours later, 40 minutes from Vinnie's apartment, Darkansas, New York. "..." "..." "So... What's brunch?"
They pull in and walk up to Vinnie's apartment. Mustaine knocks and busts it down. "Vinnie. It's the end of our journey. We've got you your hairline." "That's wonderful, Mustaine." Vinnie walks over and grabs his hairline and puts it on. "Just like how I wore it. Thank you so much guys!" "No problem Vinnie. No real problem."

The End.
The End of Indiana Grohl. This Series has been long ran and well endowed. I appreciate everyone's reading time, and effort. But if you like this... Ooh what you will like, is what you won't.

Indiana Grohl And The Missing vinnie's HairlineWhere stories live. Discover now