Indiana Grohl and the Bad Habits of Domino

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As Dave Grohl Left, he punched pol in his face, to prove who the top g in the North morry  Worcestershire villas.
As Grohl left, pol had pressed a button to send special forces after Grohl, an army's worth. "Do not let him get the hairline! Don't let Him run away!" Grohl had made a mistake, but one in which he knew he would win. As Grohl walked over to his Cozy Coupe, he noticed the special forces in the window, and he knew trouble was on its way. Grohl went into shock and ran inside his vehicle, that baby purring harder than a lion. During this, the special forces drove out in armoured militia vehicles, destined to destroy Grohl from finding the hairline. Grohl saw this in his rear view mirror, and kept the acceleration, he saw Ace Frehley pushing his motorcycle to a gas station. During all of this, the trucks had caught up, shooting an array of bullets only being describable as a ray of light shooting through a magnifying glass at an ant. Little did they know, Grohl had it modified so a small automatic machine gun with custom controls to fit him best. Grohl shot back, but he didn't know that the acceleration had taken him too far, and he hit a ramp, launching him into the sky, hitting the ocean floor as he passed out. Grohl woke up and kicked his windows, knowing he had to abandon his car, he owned it since Nirvana was still a conceptual name for the eponymous band. Grohl swam up and gasped, but the most relieving part was that the vehicles were long gone, to the blessed nature of his silly luck. Grohl swam to shore and lied down in exhaustion. He picked up his phone and noticed 1 message from pol. 'I sent the Pol Nation Army or the PNA to stop you. This text is a reminder to those that try to find my opponents hairline. If you are dead, ha. Ha ha. If you're not, death awaits, old friend." Grohl saw this and wept, his longtime friend had treated him like trash just now. He didn't have nobody in his mind, nobody to cry on, nobody to be cried on. Grohl was depressed before swimming back and retrieving his vehicle, in rough condition, only way to fix it....

Was to go back to the same mechanic that modded it for him.

Krist Novoselic.

Stay tuned for more Indiana Grohl! Thank you so much on your support, dear reader! It makes me happy knowing I made someone. I made it extra long so that I didn't leave any cliffhangers.

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