Indiana Grohl and the Dallas Excavator

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As Dave And Krist raced into their car they headed for an airplane on a field Dave rented

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As Dave And Krist raced into their car they headed for an airplane on a field Dave rented. Dave hops in and helps Krist in the passenger seat. As both start the engines, the propeller flying higher than Snoop Dogg. As they reached their cruising altitude, Krist noticed 4 jet black fighter jets approaching faster and faster with PNA Written on them

"Dave, did you check if we were followed?" Krist said. "No, but im sure we are fine, right? Krist, Krist? tell me right? were ok? "you need to go faster." "WHAT." dave looked back and told krist to grab the machine gun under his seat, krist was confused, but shot at them. As they reached the Dallas Airfield, they noticed several armoured vans and an army of soldiers, dave knew he couldn't do anything....

But crash. As the plane tilted downwards, dodging the bullets but biting some of them. They get close, they are as close to death as death is the sky. The plane crashes and an injured dave pulls out an unconscious Krist. Both pass out because of the flames surrounding. They wake up on the middle of the field, as if someone dragged them there. Krist is dragged towards an airport, but dave barely noticed the plane landing above them. Dave quickly takes action and drags them out of the way. An unexpected guest meets them at the airport, a man by the name of...

Jotaro Kujo. Jotaro notices dave and krist, both heavily injured, as Dave drags krist in. Jotaro steps in to help Dave, and both make it to the hospital, where dave and krist are both in critical condition. As they recover, jotaro leaves to find his gate.

Both recover just as soon the song ends. (Nah I'm fucking with you) they recover as soon as possible, a week. They venture on and find jotaro.
"Do you want to come on our expedition across 5 cities?"
"Fuck it, why not."

Stay Tuned for more Indiana Grohl

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Stay Tuned for more Indiana Grohl

Stay Tuned for more Indiana Grohl

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