Chapter Two - Team Meetings and Stolen Glances

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☼ Kai ☼

There is nothing quite like surfing during dawn. When the sky is painted in orange, red and yellow, there really isn't anything more breathtaking. I love the quietness of surfing this early, it's just me and the waves. Nothing else matters in this moment. It's the only way to start my day in a good mood and to be honest I need all the good vibes to keep me keep me going. Memories of my mum come floating through my thoughts again. My chest aching as I try to push past the pain. I catch a beautiful set into shore, the sun found its peak telling me it was time. I promised Manu I would help him twice a week with his intermediate class at their surf school, it was the least I could do for them taking me in.

I quickly run back to the house to meet Manu who was already greeting students. He had a good mix of age ranges in this group, I was pretty impressed. Once everyone had made it he made the simple introductions talking up my titles and gassing me up pretty hard. Manu was good at that, making you feel proud of your accomplishments. That's why he made a good friend and an even better coach. I spend the morning getting to know everyone and watching them in the water. Determining their skill level and what kind of goals they want to work on. I was surprised how much I liked it, in a weird way it made me feel closer to my mum. Sharing her knowledge and teachings with felt good. I didn't feel that chest aching pain I usually feel when I think of her. I tilt my head to the sky, my hands moving back and forth in the water. I close my eyes as I try to picture her smiling face. "I love you" I whisper enjoying the warmth shining down on my face. I would give anything to hear her say it back just one more time.

Manu catches me on my way in for a shower "Hey, I don't know how you feel about comps right now with everything but there is a spot open for you if you want it." he offers as I give him a small smile. "I'm down." I tell him, his eyebrows raising in a bit of surprise. "Oh we have a team meeting tonight. Why don't you join us?" I nod my head in acknowledgement before heading in for a shower.

I had the rest of the day to do whatever I liked and I had absolutely no idea what to do. I walked out of my room looking around the Tetanui's living space. I spent so many summers here, none of it was foreign to me but it felt like everything had changed. I wasn't just visiting I was here to stay because my father didn't want me after my mum's passing. It was laughable really to actually believe that he would step up. He spent my entire childhood and teen years coming in and out of our lives. Bringing me some odd gift he probably stole from whatever job he had previously came from. He was grifter one that never stayed long enough anywhere to be caught. Expecting someone like him to actually take care of his responsibilities was foolish on my part, I felt ashamed for crying on the phone begging him to take me. Begging him to want to be a part of my life.

I pick up a framed photo from one of the tables, a younger version of my mum and Laynah holding up their longboards their smiles beaming. Poppy and I had a photo similar to theirs, our mum's probably wanting to recreate the same magic they felt in their youth. We were spitting imagines of them, perfect carbon copies. I know they would be proud of us, for having the courage to face the day even when our hearts feel like they are breaking every second. "It's eerie how much we look like them." Poppy's voice coming up behind me. "Clearly we are clones" I joke, her laughter filling the room. "She would be proud of you.....we all are." she tells me her arms wrapping around me in a hug. "Your Mum's proud of you too Pops." I tell her leaning my head on hers. After a few more moments of silence she drops her arms. "The group is getting together to grab a bite to eat. Are you interested?" she asks me. A part of me wondered if the pink haired guy would be there, I didn't dare ask Poppy though. Instead I agreed to join her and her friends, after all it would be a good distraction just like everything in my life has become. Stay busy enough to trick my body into thinking everything is okay.

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